Big Brother’s Keith Henderson Talks Being Voted Out, Plus Live Eviction Tonight!

Big Brother 13 Keith

It was a classic case of playing too hard too quickly, or was it more his cockiness? Either way, Keith Henderson found himself the first houseguest to be voted out of Big Brother season 13.

Keith’s elimination came as a complete surprise to him as he was so confident about his safety to the point that he decided to throw the veto competition… during the first week of the game. In a new interview with TV Guide, the 32-year-old youth pastor reveals what he would have done differently, who he thinks voted him out, and answers if he is a hypocrite for, you know, being a youth pastor and a horndog. Excerpts from Keith’s interview below – Why did you choose to partner with Porsche?

Porsche is hot. She is also a physical competitor. [And] I thought she would be able to manipulate the guys. “Keith’s Angels” was still in the back of my mind when I picked her. Can you better explain how your “Keith’s Angels” strategy was supposed to work? Do you think it would have worked if not for the “dynamic duos” twist?

Yes, it would have worked. The strategy was to align with three girls [and] use the girls to manipulate the guys — play with emotion, lie, get the blood on their hands — until we eliminated all of the guys and it was just us left. So do you regret throwing the veto competition?

I do regret throwing it because my alliance didn’t have my back! Right, you told Julie after your eviction that you “got played.” Who do you think voted against you?

[I think] Dominic and Cassi voted against me. [Ed. note: Shelly and Kalia were the deciding votes. Both Dominic and Cassi voted to evict Porsche.] I wasn’t surprised. I figured it out a day in advance when I told them to tell the veterans how we were voting and they wouldn’t do it. Some people might think it’s odd or hypocritical for a Deacon to be so actively chasing after women…

: It’s not odd or hypocritical. I am a single guy, and I firmly believe that God wants us to find our wife. How can I find one if I am not actively looking?

Judging from the interview, it appears Keith is still being sequestered despite his eviction aka the Big Brother producers might be planning a twist to bring back one of the evicted HGs.

Tonight, a live episode of Big Brother airs on CBS at 9/8c during which another HG will be evicted. On the chopping block are Cassie and Shelly, and it is not looking good for Cassie as Shelly is working with the alum alliance in addition to the fact that Rachel is jealous of not a fan of Cassie. Whatever happens with the eliminations, here’s to hoping one of the newbies will win HOH tonight bringing some excitement and unpredictability to the game. I will admit this week hasn’t been all that bad with Rachel‘s antics and Dominic winning the POV.