Dorinda Medley Says John Is a Bull In A China Shop; Feels It’s Time For The Sniper Rifle To Be Aimed At Someone Else


This week Dorinda Medley finds a way to defend John Mahdessian while not defending him at the very same time. One person The Real Housewives of New York star is not defending is Bethenny Frankel..or is she?

Dorinda admits right out of the gate that she’s struggling to explain her thoughts after this week’s episode, “I’m having a really hard time putting my feelings into words this week. I still can’t really believe what happened and have had to watch it three times just to get my head around it.” 


She still isn’t sure who is responsible for John showing up at the Bra party, “Just when I thought the whole thing was coming to an end, somehow John gets tipped off and shows up to pop off on Bethenny and reignite the nightmare I’d just managed to shake myself loose of. I still don’t know who called him, or why, and I’m actually still really upset about it. Not. Happy. At. All. As you saw, I was just as surprised as everyone else, and the moment he started on the phone, my insides churned and burned…like I’d just seen a horrible accident on the highway. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I know how John gets when he’s angry, and though he doesn’t scare me, I know he can scare pretty much anyone. At that point, my only goal was to get out of there, go to dinner and call it a night; but the nightmare continued, and this time, it hit really, really close to home on more than a couple of fronts.”

She defends John and is very angry with Bethenny for the character assassination, “Here’s the thing: John is basically a bull in a china shop. I don’t mean to say that Bethenny is “delicate” or “untouchable,” but the moment she gets fired up, it’s literally a bullfight from both ends”

Dorinda admits that not everything he said was truthful, but he is so upset with Bethenny for deeper reasons, “Basically, everything he said was just unfounded hearsay and gossip–that’s unacceptable and just downright out of bounds — especially for him! I know why he was angry: Bethenny set out on a total character assassination that remains defamatory to this day. The fallout not only affected me and my relationship but has had a severely damaging effect on my daughter, my parents, our friends and acquaintances. I have to state this one last time: John and I have only spent time with Bethenny that ONE time in the Hamptons when we visited her last summer — that’s it.”


She adds, “For the record, John’s comments were wrong, wrong, wrong. He has no right to comment or speculate or judge on her business, her love life, her life, period. That said, Bethenny also has no right whatsoever to insinuate, speculate, accuse or prosecute John for anything — especially in front of friends and strangers…let alone a camera or two. (Or four.) Look, I get it: Bethenny doesn’t like John. She never has and probably never will. I can live with that. John can live with that. Bethenny has to live with that, too.”


Dorinda vehemently denies the stories that she and John are partying their faces off, “My daughter lives with me full-time and can attest that John has never slept over at our apartment and this nonsense of being out and partying like Sid and Nancy till 4 or 5 or 6AM is just bullsh–. It’s time for someone to turn that combination microscope-and-sniper-rifle onto someone else.”



On forgiving Ramona at Jules’ house, “It was great to visit her AMAZING house in the Hamptons, and, though I was a nervous wreck, I threw on my Chanel jacket and headed out to see the Witches of Easthampton, Bethenny and Ramona. I’m glad I got to close the loop with them at dinner. And I’ll be honest: I was VERY angry and still VERY hurt — you saw that. But Ramona is from a different zoo than most of us and our friendship has had its ups and downs and ultimately we love one another deeply.” 

“Despite all this, I respect Bethenny. We’ve built a good friendship, and I hope it continues. I know we care and respect each other and that she is actually looking out for me. We’ll work it out, even if it’s in our own special way.’



Photo Credit: BravoTV