Bad Girls Fight Club!


Things got heated on The Bad Girls club this week when the girls decided to have an all out brawl on the streets on cancun. Amber M aka Cookie got into it with Boston, which then led to the other girls ganging up on Amber. Amber M ended up on the ground with some of the girls kicking and stomping her.

Ailea (aka I’m all talk and only get loud when I’m certain there are people around to hold me back) was of course being held back by Sarah through most of the fight. Amber B also stayed out of the fight and did not come to the rescue of her girl. Amber B didn’t have to start fighting but she coulda at least made a good attempt to break it up right?

Next week’s show should be an interesting one as it seems one or more of the girls will be getting arrested. I say good riddance. As annoying as the Ambers can be at times, they are harmless and did not deserve to get jumped or stumped on by the “Fab 5”. It will be interesting to see who gets arrested, and/or kicked off the show next week.

You can check out the Bad Girls Club Myspace Pages Here!

What are your thoughts on last night’s episode?