College Hill’s Terri Talks About Being Kicked Off The Show


Terri Arcelia from BET’s College Hill South Beach opens up about being kicked off the show. Terri wrote a blog about her experience on the show a while ago. She has since deleted her blog and is rumored to now be suing the producers of College Hill. Below are some excerpts from what she wrote –

“While in the house, a fight took place between me and another cast member. After I was assaulted the producers disconnected the phone in the house so that I couldn’t call police and then had me basically held against my will at a hotel in Miami.

They wouldn’t let me get near a phone for hours until they had a camera crew to film me (I guess because they wanted to film me crying out for my mother). I remember being in the hotel and running to the first phone I saw to call my parents after the fight and having it pulled out of my hands by one of the people on the shows staff.

She then pulled the phone out of the wall and hid it from me. Can you imagine how that felt! I just wanted to call my parents after being involved in a fight and all these people were thinking about was how to get me on film during my state of weakness.

The producers of the show also had me held in a limo and told the driver to take me to some location that they wanted to film me crying after the fight. When I heard of the producer?s plans, I paid the driver money from my own pocket to take me to my family’s house in South Florida.

When the producers got word that I was going home to be with me family instead of whatever location that they wanted me to go, they called the driver and told him to lock the doors on the car and not to let me get out until he took me to where they wanted. The driver didn’t feel comfortable taking me somewhere against my will and instead drove me to my family’s house.

When I was at the hotel in Miami, my family called the Miami Police and several media outlets to come up to the hotel because I was being held against my will (YES THE PRODUCERS TOLD ME I COULD NOT LEAVE!!!)The media waited outside the hotel to interview the producers but they were hiding in the room because they didn’t want to be exposed.”


Tell Us – Do you think it was fair to kick Terri off the show?