Is Danger From The Love of Ray J Really “Crazy?”


The question on everyone’s mind is what is up with Danger? She has been accused of being “crazy” by almost everyone on For The Love of Ray J. Even Ray J is quoted as saying “she’s a lil crazy.” So let’s examine what makes Monica Leon aka Danger so “crazy.”

The infamous tattoo – Yes there are not too many people that get tattoos on their faces. The only other famous person with a face tattoo is Mike Tyson. What compels an aspiring model/actress to get a tiger face tattoo? Well you would have to ask Danger that question.

Pregnant by Ray J – Danger gave an interview to the National Enquirer 2 months ago claiming to be pregant by Ray J. According to Danger, “I was locked in a mansion with him and 13 girls from October until the end of December,” she said. “Toward the end of the first week of filming, we made love for the first time – and we slept together every night after that! She continues, “There is no way the baby can be anyone’s but Ray J’s.” Both Ray J and VH1 denied the pregnancy story.

No Longer Pregnant by Ray J – Only 10 days after claiming to be pregnant with Ray J’s baby, Danger takes to her personal blog and simply posted “No, I am not pregnant.” She gave no explanations or reasons for her previous claims. Was her earlier claim to the National Enquirer a made up lie? A cry for attention? A cheap publicity stunt? Well you would once again need to ask Danger that.

Admits to Being A Prostitute – In perhaps the most shocking revelation of all, Danger admitted to having once been a prostitute in an interview she gave 2 months ago. Not only did she admit this, but she posted the interview on her personal blog. The blog has now been deleted. Below is what she had to say about her past –

“I have done pictures, I’ve been an exotic dancer and I’ve also done some prostitution and that’s something that I really didn’t want to just talk about right away cause it’s a scary scary thing, it has such a negative connotation to it. But I was a prostitute for about two and half years, and you know I was making alot of money. I had all this cash, shopping… all this sh-t, you know, nice car, nice place, but it didn’t make me happy,” Danger revealed about her past life.

When asked was she a “high priced” prostitute or “low budget” prostitute, Danger had this to say:

“I sucked d-ck for free, and I’ve gotten 10 grand for it, let’s leave it at that.”

So who admits to being a prostitute in the past and posting it on her blog? Danger does!

Nude Pictures – This is probably one of the more “normal” things Danger has done. Nude photos of her were leaked a while ago. The photos, sometimes artistic were very interesting to say the least. Danger claims these photos were taken when she was 18.

So the question of the moment remains – Is Danger really crazy? or is she just too honest to a fault? Well you can be the judge of that. Or maybe she said it best when she blogged – “I’m a very crazy woman, 🙂 this is America. There is a war against free thinkers.”

The 22 year old Danger is now engaged to Nick Cannon’s younger brother and continues to work towards becoming a model/actress.