AI Judges Paula & Kara At War With Each Other?


Ok Magazine is reporting that the two female judges on American Idol, Kara DioGuardi and Paula Abdul are alledgedly at war with each other. And their tension is all stemming from the fact that they are both in danger of losing their jobs next season.

“The plan to add a fourth person backfired,” an Idol insider told OK! about the troubles that have been mounting since Kara joined the cast at the beginning of this season. “Now the producers are left with a tough decision: Do they go back to the original three-judge format, or leave Kara there?”

Paula had previously taken a snipe at Kara when she talked to OK in January saying, “Kara and I get along great and have known each other for years, but we tried four judges before when we had celebrity guest judges sitting in, and it just doesn’t work.” Kara hit back in a statement: “Paula has a right to her opinions, but I was disappointed by her comments and hurt that she did not address them to me in person.”