Fox network, along with American Idol producers have come out swinging against new reports that the AI finale voting was rigged.
If you haven’t heard by now, the NY Times reported that AT&T provided phones for free text-messaging services at two Allen parties in Arkansas on the night of the finals. Citing sources, The Times reports that AT&T reps showed party-goers how to “power text” – cast 10 votes at the touch of a button, which violates show rules.
So basically we are all suppose to get all up in arms over what amounts to probably about a few hundred votes or less than .000000001% of the total votes? Newsflash to NY Times, the total votes from the Idol finale amounted to tens of millions. And numerous reports have pointed out that the voting was not even close at all. Kris Allen won by a large margin, thus making these reports even more ridiculous.
The full statement given by Fox and AI producers is below –
“Fox and the producers of American Idol are absolutely certain that the results of this competition are fair, accurate and verified. Kris Allen is, without a doubt, the American Idol. We have an independent third-party monitoring procedure in place to ensure the integrity of the voting process. In no way did any individuals unfairly influence the outcome of the competition.”