The new season of The Bachelorette featuring Ali Fedotowsky premiered Monday night, but the hot topic on the minds of viewers seems to be the upcoming scandal this season, when it is discovered that one of the men vying for Ali’s heart already had not one, but two girlfriends back home.
That man is Canadian wrestler Justin Rego aka Rated R. Interestingly enough, Justin was voted by the other men on the show as being there for the wrong reasons on Monday’s premiere episode. And while some of the past douche bags on the show were able to get away with two timing, think the Wes scandal from Jillian Harris’s season, Justin wasn’t quite so lucky, as one of his girlfriends actually called Ali during filming of the show.
The girlfriend that made the phone call to Ali (set to air during a later episode) was Jessica Spillas, pictured in the white top above. According to RealitySteve, Jessica is a 19-year-old from Toronto, Canada, and according to her, Justin was her longtime boyfriend who only went on the show to further his wrestling career.
So why did Jessica decide to out Justin out to Ali? Well apparently while the show was filming earlier this year, Jessica found out Justin had been tow timing her with another girl named Kimberly Kerekes (pictured in the middle above). Jessica then contacted former Bachelor contestant Jessie Sulidis, who also ails from Toronto. Jessie put Jessica in touch with the show’s producers, thus leading to the infamous phone call to Ali.
The other girl, Kimberly, also gave a recent interview to RadarOnline, during which she reveals she had no idea Justin had another girlfriend back home. Kimberly also reveals she had been dating Justin for three months before he left to do the show.