Drama Ensues During Custody Case Of OC Housewives’ Slade Smiley


It seems Gretchen Rossi, star of the Real Housewives of Orange County is sticking by her man’s side no matter what.

The latest in the never ending drama of Slade Smiley’s child support case is a new report detailing what took place during Slade’s hearing on Friday. RadarOnline reports that Slade, 41, owes between $84,962 and $110,000 in back child support to Michelle Arroyo, mother of his son Grayson Arroyo-Smiley, 10, who suffers from a rare form of brain cancer.

The drama ensued when Gretchen’s ex-boyfriend Jay Photoglou, who is not a stalker by any means, decided to show up to the court hearing for some strange reason.  Is it safe to assume Jay has no job and has lots of free time to show up to court cases that have absolutely nothing to do with him? This made Slade furious and authorities had to step in to keep the parties separate.

Slade is then said to have asked the judge to have Jay removed the courtroom, which led to all parties not directly involved in the case being asked to leave court, including Gretchen.

And according to the OC Register, Slade who is said to be a former insurance salesman and male model, admitted in court he had received some payments for this appearance on the OC Housewives.  This is despite Slade’s previous claims that he had zero income and zero expenses.  Slade also admitted he had the funds paid to Gretchen and then re-directed to him to avoid mandatory deductions.

Slade has asked the Judge to reduce his child support payments, and is due back in Court in September.