NJ Housewife Teresa Giudice Speaks Out On Bankruptcy Auction, Charitygate & Danielle

Shamed and bankrupt Bravo housewife Teresa Giudice is now speaking out on the upcoming August 22 auction, which intends to sell practically all majority of her home items, including her bed, furniture, TVs, and even her gas range, to recoup some money for her debtors. You know, the ones she owes $11 million.

In her latest Bravo blog, the Real Housewives of New Jersey star touches on a lot of different topics. Below are excerpts –

On having to file bankruptcy for her $11 mil debt – “As you know, Joe and I filed for bankruptcy protection back in October 2009 primarily because of real estate deals gone bad in a bad economy. We didn’t spend millions of dollars on gold toilets or private planes. We bought buildings, fixed them up, and tried to help other people start their own businesses or be able to afford an apartment. The economy crash trickled down to everyone. We worked so hard for so many years and it was heartbreaking to file, and not something we took lightly. Of course you can’t sit in your bed and just cry all day, so we moved forward, got new jobs, and are working hard once again. The point is to get a fresh start so you can move forward.”

On the upcoming Aug 22 auction to sell off her belongings – “But it’s not a fun or an easy process. If you’ve ever been unfortunate enough to be involved in a legal situation, you know it’s a lot of back and forth between both sides. Right now, our bankruptcy trustee is trying to get an auction going, and our lawyer is objecting it. Every day, there are new tactics used, stories circulated, and details “leaked” to the press, but it’s all part of the legal wrangling. All I can do is rise above it, keep my head high, and know that at the end of the day, I have my family, my health, and I’m in God’s hands. Nothing else matters, certainly not a lamp.”

On Charitygate (a story she demanded $3000 to attend a charity event) – “As for the story that I wanted money to appear at a charity event, completely false. I have never charged to appear at a charity event, nor do I accept anything for helping charities… I’ve never heard of the shelter that’s complaining about me, but they called the person who books me in clubs and he told them he doesn’t do charity, and to contact me directly. It’s very easy to get a hold of me at my website, and I do check every email. I can’t help every single charity that asks of course, but I do as I many as I can. I have no idea why this charity would try and bash me in the press, unless they were looking for press, which they obviously got. I did notice that Danielle was in attendance at this particular event…. Coincidence? Hmmm….”

On Danielle Staub and her daughters – “I also really liked seeing Christine’s Sweet 16 Party. She is a beautiful girl, but you can tell she’s counting down the days until she can leave that house. Poor Jillian has a little longer to wait. We finally got to meet their dad, and I think it’s obvious where they got their good looks from! Jillian singing was so sweet, but it nearly broke my heart that Danielle was pushing her so hard. Of course, Danielle turned everything back around to her. Typical. I thought it was creepy that she would wear her engagement ring just to make a statement to her ex-husband’s new wife. Sad.”

On writing new book – “I’m hard at work on my next book, a follow-up with Skinny Italian. It’s going to be fabulous! I can’t wait!”

Interesting that Teresa still found the time to discuss Danielle, but yet failed to address the outrage of her demanding diamonds for her 10th anniversary just weeks after filing bankruptcy. Even more interesting that Teresa states she and Joe did not waste their money on “gold toilets or private planes.” Guess their Faux marble Chess set, Jet boat, Pool table with Leather Pockets, and Suit of Armour statue were all necessities.

And now that Teresa’s 12,000 square foot mansion is about to be empty, wouldn’t it be smart for she and Joe to sell the home and buy something smaller for a “fresh start?” It however seems Teresa is more concerned with saving face than being financially responsible. Perhaps waking up to an empty mansion on August 23rd will help the delusional housewife realize the gig is up.

In other NJ news, Jacqueline Laurita had this interesting tweet regarding Danielle’s implication that Tom Staub is a bad father to her daughters. “Their Dad goes to EVERY track meet, dance recital,everything! He also gets them every weekend so I don’t get why she acts like he doesn’t on tv,” tweeted Jacqueline. Not surprised Danielle would try to paint someone else in a bad light to further her life long plight of being a victim.

And since we’re on the topic of Danielle Staub, she appeared in last week’s issue of Star magazine, telling the mag she loves being a villain. “Every show has to have a villain,” Danielle told Star. “It might as well be me!”

The 47-year-old sometime porn actress then goes on to add that her cast-mates need her to make RHONJ a success. Danielle stated, “They do, or the show would be like watching paint dry.” She does made a valid point there no?