Big Brother 12 Week 8 Spoilers – New HOH, Nominees & POV Winner!

Big Brother 12

Major happenings in the Big Brother house in week 8.

Thursday night’s double eviction had HG Matt as the first casualty. The HOH competition was played live with Hayden becoming the new HOH, beating Brendon by a couple of seconds. Hayden nominated Brendon and Ragan, with Brendon being ultimately evicted, thus basically guaranteeing one of the Brigade douchebags will win BB12.

Following the TV episode, a new HOH was crowned during a later competition. In this week’s spoilers, find out the new HOH, their nominees, and the POV winner!

Below is a photo of Enzo and his wife. I did a little digging as I was a tad curious to see which lucky lady calls herself Mrs. Meow Meow. The lucky one who owns that title is Joella Palumbo, who Enzo has described as being loaded and earning over 6 figures on the live feeds.


The new HOH winner is Lane. With Brendon and Matt out of the way, it’s nice to finally see the other Brigade members winning comps.

Lane oddly enough nominated Ragan and fellow Brigade member Enzo. He told Enzo he was just a pawn and that Britney would be going up in the event that Ragan won POV. Enzo wasn’t too happy about being on the block, but this didn’t seem to cause a rift within the alliance.

Enzo won the POV yesterday, and Ragan has been moping around the house, while crying at times.

As of today, the plan seems to be Britney will replace Enzo on the block. Lane however suggested to Hayden that he might want them to vote Britney out so that he won’t have to be the one responsible for her eviction in the future.

So there’s a chance Britney might be the one heading out the door come Thursday night!