Despite the recent revelation that she earned a whopping $140,000 for a six-month contract with MTV, it seems Teen Mom star Amber Portwood is having second thoughts about being a ‘Teen Mom.’
Amber graces the latest cover of Life & Style magazine under the heading ‘Being a Teen Mom Ruined My Life.’ In an exclusive interview with the mag, Amber, 20, who was recently arrested and released from jail, expresses her fear over not wanting to go back to jail again.
“I just can’t even imagine not seeing my little baby if I go back to jail,” she said in her first post-incarceration interview. “It scares me so bad,” she added of the possibility of losing her 2-year-old daughter Leah.
Amber then goes on to reveal she regrets doing the MTV hit show to begin with as she believes her domestic violence attacks against her ex-fiance Gary Shirley would have gone unnoticed had she not done the show, well duh.
“I wouldn’t have been in jail because nobody would have known about it,” she explained. Her brother seems to agree. “I can’t say completely that it’s the show’s fault because obviously my sister did it. But Amber and Gary asked them not to air the fight because they knew this legal stuff would happen. Now my sister gets death threats, and my niece’s life is in turmoil,” Shawn Portwood told Life & Style.
“I might get attention, but it’s not the right attention,” Amber also told TMZ in a video interview on Monday. “I turned 20 and I don’t want to be known as ‘Amber from Teen Mom.’”
In other Amber news, TMZ posted another leaked audio recording of Gary this week, during which he can be heard completely bashing his baby mama Amber.
In the December audio recording, Gary can be heard on the phone with Krystal, who just happens to be Amber’s cousin. Gary explains to Krystal he has a crush on her and then points out, “You’ve got things that Amber don’t … like a job.”
It didn’t end there as Gary added, “Amber is sluttish. You’ve been with six dudes, Amber’s been with f**king a million.” Ouch, but it gets even better as Gary tries to convince Crystal to come to his place by saying, “If you ever want to piss off Amber, let me know.”