Days after Emily Maynard’s sit down ‘break up’ interview aired on ABC, a new report is now stating Brad Womack wants her back!
According to the latest issue of UsWeekly magazine, former Bachelor Brad is still hoping he can win back his ex-fiance Emily and has been totally distraught since the split.
A source reveals Brad, 38, continues to drunk-dial Emily, 25. “When they weren’t together, Brad would drunk-dial Emily and cry,” says the source. A friend also reveals that Brad would be crushed if Emily went on to become the Bachelorette as reported. “It would kill him,” says the friend.
Brad’s ex Laurel Kagay has said on numerous occasions that her relationship with Brad was very unhealthy. Laurel stated Brad had a scary temper and would continuously break up with her only to beg her to take him back days later. Perhaps Brad was doing the same thing with Emily and she got fed up.
As for the reason Brad did not participate in the interview with Emily, sources reveal he was simply too distressed over the break up. Other sources add that Brad also declined the invite because he did not want another Jake and Vienna situation. Probably the smartest decision he’s made in decades.
As for those reports stating Emily will be the next Bachelorette, host Chris Harrison admits that while Emily’s name has been tossed around, it is far from a done deal.
“It’s obviously been bantered about,” Chris tells Access Hollywood. “We’re not idiots, we talked about it, of course, but it hadn’t even been broached to her. It is way too soon.” Chris also adds that it is simply way too early to pick a Bachelorette as production on the new season will not begin for at least 6 months.
“It is way too early, way too presumptuous of anybody to say she’s The Bachelorette,” say Chris adding, “We would never pigeonhole ourselves … this early.”