Bethenny Frankel’s Mom Says She’s Headed For Divorce; Bethenny Makes Forbes List Again!

Bethenny Frankel‘s mother Bernadette Birk is speaking out against her estranged daughter yet again, this time around slamming her marriage.

Bernadette has kept a fairly low profile in the press recently considering all the harsh allegations Bethenny has made against her (and her father, Bobby Frankel). Although in the past Bernadette has called Bethenny “demented and beyond help,” in response to Bethenny’s portrayal of her childhood.

Bethenny has described her childhood as unhealthy and dysfunctional on her reality show and in interviews, and maintained that Bernadette was “never a mother” to her, among other complaints. These assertions have been called into question by fans, the media, and acquaintances’ of both Bethenny and her parents.

Bernadette is now making some pretty serious claims herself, alleging that Bethenny is a user and, perhaps, not the involved mother she purports to be. Raising doubts about the security of Bethenny’s marriage, Bernadette describes Jason Hoppy as “too weak” for Bethenny; and although she has never met him, she expects their marriage “won’t last.”

“Her husband seems like a really nice guy, but it won’t last. He is really too weak for her.” Bernadette predicts. “Right now, he is a good father, but soon she won’t need him and she will dump him.” Ouch.

Bernadette also takes digs at Bethenny’s mothering skills. “I find it amazing that she discusses having another child with her husband, but she barely has time for the first one,” she muses. I guess we know where Bethenny developed her ability to deliver scathing remarks!

As for why she and Bethenny stopped communicating ten-years-ago, Bernadette claims Bethenny wrecked her car and then refused to apologize. “I called her to tell her and she started yelling at me and hung up… and we have never spoken since,” Bernadette explains of their last conversation.

Bernadette also goes on to allege that Bethenny stole the idea for her highly successful Skinnygirl drink mix from her! “When she was young, her godmother, Eleanor Mogavero, would come and visit, and her drink of choice was a margarita. She was overweight, so I’d make her really low-fat ones,” said Bernadette. “But [Bethenny] would never give anyone credit, it goes against her narcissistic point of view.”

Bernadette finishes off with these choice words: “She only puts herself around people who can do something for her. It is amazing how she turned out just like her father.”

Bethenny has previously stated that her mother came to the hospital while she was in labor with Bryn, but she did not want to see her. Bernadette has never met her only grandchild. In an interview Bethenny remarked of her mother’s opinion of her career: “I don’t know what she makes of my success. I’m sure it’s quite shocking and overwhelming to her.”

Bethenny has not responded to her mother’s latest comments, but she recently Tweeted: “I always believe 50% gossip. You decide what to believe.” By that reasoning, is she admitting there may be some truth to Bernadette’s claims? I predict this incident will be thoroughly covered on the upcoming season of Bethenny Ever After !

There’s never a dull moment for the Skinnygirl ! In the middle of a year defined by incredible successes, drama, controversy, and negative press after the Skinnygirl Margarita ingredient-gate – it’s all paying off. Literally!

Mama Frankel has landed herself on Forbes’ 2011 list of the Highest Earning Women in Entertainment after racking up a whopping $55M from her Skinnygirl empire! I blame sorority girls everywhere for buying the swill in droves in the hopes of avoiding the Freshman 15!

Bethenny’s skinny butt ranked third on the list, following Oprah Winfrey (naturally) and Lady Gaga (strangely) but she did manage to beat out her formal idol Martha Stewart – who didn’t even make the list!

Credit: Pena/Hall/

Thoughts on Bernadette’s shocking comments? Do you think there is some merit to her claims or is she just hurt and angry that she no longer has a relationship with her daughter? Do you believe Bethenny’s stories about her childhood or is she exaggerating? Are you surprised she made the Forbes list?!