Lisa Vanderpump Shoots Pilot For Spin-Off! Plus Jennifer Gimenez Talks Kim Richards’ Breakdown At The SUR Launch!

Lisa VanderFabulous is leaving her drama addled co-stars in the dust. The sparkly, opulent, witty one is apparently getting her own Bravo spin-off and I can’t say I’m surprised.

We heard rumblings of the notion this week after spurned houseboy Cedric Martinez released emails exposing the truth behind his surprise arrival at the SUR launch; claiming Lisa was desperate for fame and in “negotiations” for her own spin-off to center around the staff at SUR.

Now The Huffington Post is seconding the motion and reporting that Lisa is definitely moving onward and upwards in her VanderPumps to be the star of her own show. Oh, yay! And that’s a genuine yay – I loooooove me some Lisa!

“Bravo has taped a pilot with Lisa for her own show and is now deciding if they want to greenlight a full series based around her life and family,” a Bravo insider reveals. “They do not rush into these sorts of things, but if all goes according to plan, Lisa will soon have her own reality show.”

“This would be her dream come true,” a friend of Lisa’s explained. That same friend, who suspiciously sounds more like a friend of Cedric’s, adds, “Initially the producers were not sure they even wanted her to be part of the Beverly Hills cast, but were won over when they met her flamboyant houseguest, Cedric, who moved back in with her once the show started filming, before everything turned bad.”

Frankly, I find it hard to believe producers would pass up Lisa. Cedric seemed like an added bonus to give the show a little more flair. I do wonder if news of a spin-off means Lisa will not be returning to Real Housewives of Beverly Hills next season, and really who would blame her given what a horrible monster that show has become!

The launch of SUR, opened more than a restaurant, it also opened viewer’s eyes to what was going on with Kim Richards. Viewers witnessed Kim’s erratic and emotional behavior; including locking herself in the bathroom, screaming, and accusing her boyfriend, Ken Blumenfeld of controlling behavior bordering on verbal abuse.

Viewers also noticed a concerned Jennifer Gimenez, licensed addiction counselor at the L.A.’s KLEAN Treatment Center and star of Sober House and Celebrity Rehab, standing outside the bathroom door attempting to speak to Kim. Jennifer attended the party as a guest of Brandi Glanville. She describes to WetPaint what really went on that evening and answers what she did to encourage Kim to seek treatment.

Jennifer is speaking out after a virulent reaction from fans on Twitter. Many wondered why Jennifer seemingly would ignore the visibly in need of help, Kim. According to Jennifer, “I did step in, it just didn’t make the final edit.”

In fact the night after the episode aired, Jennifer Tweeted just how disconcerting Kim’s behavior was, “my heart broke watching her …i was scared for her.”

“I saw Kim when she first walked in,” Jennifer describes. “I had been around her before and I’ve seen the way she acts when she’s not herself. I already knew she was sick and suffering. So after she arrived at the Sur party, I kept my eye on her.”

“What I saw broke my heart,” Jennifer adds. “It was so clear that she needed help. Jennifer also explains that Kim actually took several trips to the bathroom and not the one extended trip that was portrayed on the episode.

“She spent a lot of time in the bathroom. She was in there half the night. Finally, I went over there. I waited until Ken had left. He had been hovering around the bathroom door waiting for her and I didn’t think that was helping the situation,” Jennifer recounts.

“So when he walked away, I went over and knocked on the bathroom door. Kim opened it and was like, ‘What do you want?’ and I just said to her, ‘Look, I know you know that I’m sober and I just wanted to say if you need help, I can help you. I can help you tonight, I can help you tomorrow, I can help you anytime you want.’”

“She started to open up to me, but she was so scattered, she wasn’t making a lot of sense. So I gave her my number and she gave me hers and I told her to call me. I told her I would be there for her. I think she believed me. I told her it had nothing to do with the cameras or the show, I just wanted to help her. I think she understood that.”

“But I was thrilled when I heard Kim had checked into rehab,” Jennifer shares. “I’m so grateful she finally sought treatment. If she ever needs a sober friend, I’m here for her 100%.” I’m glad Jennifer was able to support Kim throughout the night while everyone was was embroiled in Taylor Armstrong‘s drama.

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