RHOA’s Marlo Hampton Apologizes for Gay Slur; Nene Leakes Calls Out Cast Mates; Plus See Kim and Kroy’s Bling!

Those “ladies” of the Real Housewives of Atlanta… they know how to hurl insults, they know how to one-up one another, and — most importantly — as seen on Sunday night’s episode, they certainly know how to pack!

Oh Marlo. Marlo, Marlo, Marlo. Seriously? I am still cringing about the very mature and level discussion b!tchfest cat fight between Sheree Whitfield and Marlo Hampton, where Marlo uttered those truly sickening words. Don’t make me repeat them. I know, I know… it’s my job. Marlo, who seems to fancy herself the Emily Post of salt and pepper protocol and homophobic slurs, contends she was caught up in the heat of the moment when she yelled at Sheree, “Well anyway, that’s why you don’t have a man. Go and hang with them f*****s with your ugly a$$.” Yup, still cringing! Being hateful is never okay.

Marlo, as it seems, wasn’t intending to be ugly and offensive. It just sort of happened, as these things often do. #notokay Of course, as if on cue, Marlo took to her official website to issue a heartfelt (?? eh?) damage control apology. Her post is extremely articulate and it seems genuine, but I have a hard time condoning her P.R. statement, regardless of sincerity. Expressing her remorse as well as her desire to maintain a strong and positive relationship with the gay community, Marlo published the following open letter on her site:

It is with great disappointment in myself and sincere regret that I would like to issue to my friends, my most ardent supporters, and my followers, this statement:

I would like to offer from the bottom of my heart the fullest and most heartfelt apology for my recent use of an anti-gay slur. When I used this word, I was not mindful of the demeaning connotation that this has in the gay community. My speech was irresponsible, thoughtless and said with the intention of conveying anger rather than as a statement on my feelings towards the gay community as a whole.

My first action, after the incident was to contact my closest friend and assistant of 8 years and to confess what I had done, to express my sadness and regret, and to ask him for his forgiveness. I was devastated at the thought of having hurt or embarrassed him as well as any member of the gay community and relish this opportunity to publicly apologize. My friends have embraced me, supported me, withheld judgment of me and have meant a lot to me over the years. I would never abuse their kindness and friendship and would never want to hurt them or demean them in any way.

I applaud and admire this community for their triumph over a sometimes harsh, mean spirited society that discriminates and even violently attacks those who are different. These are obstacles that I relate to and that I have been inspired by them to overcome. I celebrate this community and am saddened by any indication otherwise, that my actions may have caused.

I look forward to continuing to build my strong relationship with you, my followers and supporters, and those of you who do not yet know me and my heart. I look forward to work to regain your trust, respect and your love which has so empowered me over the years. I also thank you for allowing me to address you personally and to let you know how deeply sorry I am.

With Love,


Obviously, just as viewers were appalled by Marlo’s statement, her Atlanta co-stars are also speaking out about how offended they were by her use of that nasty word. Sheree and Marlo’s screaming match (honestly, it kind of sucks for Marlo, as besides that horrendous statement I barely understood a word the women were screeching) garnered some serious and deserved backlash. Both Sheree and Kim Zolciak took to Twitter, the cyber-place where adults maturely resolve issues, to voice their disdain. Wait, did I just confuse Twitter with a reunion episode?

After the episode aired, Sheree tweeted, “Using the “f” word is never acceptable……period!” Amen! And not one to be out-tweeted at her own game (of Twittering, duh), Kim also added her opinion on the situation that she was likely thankful for avoiding. Kim retweeted Sheree’s sentiment, adding, “Its disgusting!!”

Moving away from the episode’s screaming match, but not straying far enough that it doesn’t involve Twitter and Marlo, Nene Leakes also took to the mean webtastic streets to express her contempt for some cast mates who may have recently changed their tune about Ms. Hampton. In fact, Nene wasn’t able to voice her opinion in 180 characters or less, so she went on what can only be described as a Twitter tirade to get her point across. Well played.

The Neenster not only rudely mentioned Sheree’s nose job, she also enlightened her followers as to her co-stars original thoughts on Marlo. On Sunday, Nene began, “The Smalls loved Marlo when they thought they could turn her against me! Now that were friends, they don’t like her 4 no real reason.”

Phaedra [Parks] & Sheree wanted Marlo on the show! They pushed production 4 her. Once we met & started talkin, they turned on her. They wanted Marlo on the show because they thought we would get n2 it about Charles but I never dated him,” Nene maintained. Oh the drama!

Continuing on Monday morning, Nene revealed, “Maja was suppose 2 b the new housewife but Sheree & Phaedra didn’t want her on the show. They wanted Marlo 4 obvious reasons! Back fired.” And who is this Maja character? Well, according to the Tamara Tattles site, she is Maja Torrence who leases high-end condos and sometimes models. Sounds boring compared to the dramz Ms. Marlo is bringing to the season!

Keeping with the common theme of the Twitterverse, Andy Cohen recently tweeted a picture of some blinding bling. Kim and footballer hubby Kroy Biermann were Sunday night’s guests in the WWHL clubhouse and fans wanted to see the major wedding rings sported by the two. Holy diamonds! Those Atlanta Falcons must really be making the money! Rise up! A picture of their rings is below. Oh twitter, always a wealth of useful information!




[Photo Credits: Bravo, Andy Cohen, Kim Zolciak Twitter]