American Idol Elimination: Don’t Le(de)t The Sun Go Down On Me

It was the hometown visits for American Idol this week, which on the results show warrants a Simon and Garfunkel montage (loves!) as Joshua Ledet, Phil Phillips, and Jessica Sanchez head back to where their hearts are for a giant, stadium sized homecoming party.  Ryan Seacrest reminds America about the deets of the next week’s final faceoff with his hands casually resting on the backs of Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez.  Steven is doing his best Gollum/gargoyle statue impression while JLo looks awkward…probably because she’s not sure she’s going to continue with this gig.  Randy Jackson is confident in his judging abilites, sporting a leather blazer.

After Ryan announces the performers for the evening will be the King’s daughter Lisa Marie Presley and everyone’s favorite Idol alum and eyeliner abusing Adam Lambert, the final three perform a Beatles song.  Yawn.  Bring on the sofa!  As always, an idol fueled Ford commercial is highlighted, with a noticeably absent P PhillyJessica explains she’s happy to make it this far, and regardless of her fate, she’s excited to find out the results.  Phillip and Joshua echo her sentiments…and why shouldn’t they?  History tells us that the runners-up usually do better than the winner anyway.  Reuben Studdard knows what I’m talking about.  J Hud, anyone?


Joshua is first in the hot seat.  He performed “I’d Rather Go Blind,” and the judges ate up his performance.  Steven thinks he sang like the next American Idol.  Leave it to Jimmy to tell it like it is…the judges were too easy on Joshua.  He thinks it was pretty good, but it certainly didn’t deserve a standing ovation from the judges.  His rendition of “Imagine” almost had JLo in tears.  Jimmy thinks Joshua is a great showman, but he overcompensated on a song which thrives on it’s simplicity.  His final number “No More Drama” garnered even more praise from the judges.  Again, Jimmy doesn’t think he brought his A game, but he blames himself for not providing him a better song to platform his strengths.

There is a far too long and ridiculous Ice Age plug.  Is there anything about this show that isn’t movie promotion or product placement?  I get JLo voices the movie, but it’s getting old.  Next season, we’re sure to be watching the AT&T/Coca Cola American Ford Idol sponsored in part by Pixar, Depends, and silliness.  Am I right?  Lisa Marie Presley takes the stage to sing her new single “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet.”  While I know she’s Elvis’ daughter, I can’t help but wonder why she seems to be the love child of Stevie Nicks and Elvira.  I like the song alright, but I can’t get over how bored she looks to be singing it.

Ryan calls up Jessica next, and she’s totes adorbs although she’s not my fave…because, sadly for me, I don’t have one this season.  She covered Mariah Carey, and Steven believes she’ll be the last one standing.  Jimmy, once again, thinks she was lacking.  Does he ever think anyone does a good job?  I hope not, because that is why I love him.  Next, Jessica channeled Aerosmith with “Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing.”  Was that a blatant ploy to win over the already smitten Steven?  Randy thinks she’s bold, and Steven says she took a great song and make it greater.  Heck, if I were her I’d exit stage left right now.  That would be the only compliment I’d ever need.  Jimmy thought it was good, but not quite her moment.  Her performance of “I’ll Be There” was deemed almost perfect by Steven.  Randy isn’t overwhelmed.  I’m so glad the judges remember they are supposed to still be judging instead of always praising.  Jimmy thinks Jessica is talented enough to sing on the Grammys, but he blames himself for her song choice.

Ryan does an impromptu remembrance of Donna Summer (gone too soon and an amazing person and talent), and I love seeing the extremely talented (have you heard her new CD?  She’s a great singer, y’all!) and always lovely Rita Wilson (tell Tom hello!).  Next Adam Lambert takes the stage, and it’s a lot of florescent yellow and drama.  Fast forward.  Just kidding, I made myself watch.  I liked the lyrics, but wasn’t a fan of the song in general, and I like some pretty crappy music.  You would be ashamed of my iTunes.

Phillip joins Ryan on stage, and his rendition of “Beggin'” had JLo almost blushing.  Jimmy even praises him for his originality, but didn’t think he stole the show.  His next tune, Matchbox 20’s “Disease” gets mediocre reviews from all of the judges.   Jimmy is glad to see him pushing boundaries, but he agrees with the judges that it was a total snoozefest.  Phillip’s final song “We’ve Got Tonight” was my personal favorite of all the performances.  Steven touts his passion, while Randy calls it his best performance yet.  It receives a standing ovation from the judges.  Jimmy agrees with both Randy and myself…calling him flawless.  I am floored to hear Jimmy offer such massive compliments.

Let’s not draw this out even further.  Jessica is the first to learn she’ll be in the finale.  I think she’s presh, and while I don’t have a stand-out favorite, I was hoping for a Joshua/Phillip smack down…and mainly because I think Joshua can sing and Phillip has that charisma that people on my Facebook newsfeed seem inherently drawn to, regardless of his actual talent.  Jessica can sing, but she sort of fades into the woodwork for me.  WHAT?  P Philly joins Jessica in the finale.  Fear not, Josh…this only means your chances at an Academy Award are much stronger than those of the final two.  You’ll have a recording contract before Ryan dismisses you from the stage, buddy.