Kim Kardashian’s Divorce Depositions Will Not Be Filmed! Kris H Seeks FBI’s Help Over Booty Call Extortion! Plus, VIDEO: Oprah Interviews the Kardashians!

Womp, womp, womp.  You tried, Kris Humphries!  If you were hoping to get to watch Kim Kardashian squirm her way through her deposition, you’re out of luck unfortunately.  Unlike her intimate moments with Ray J, her deposition will not be taped.

An insider close to the divorce proceedings tells, “Both parties mutually agreed that it wasn’t necessary to have Kim and Kris’ deposition filmed.  There will be a private stenographer present that will provide a transcript of the proceedings.”  50 Shades of Kartrashian, perhaps?

“There was concern about the depositions being filmed and then getting leaked to the media. To ensure that won’t happen everyone recognized and agreed to not have proceedings filmed,” continues the source.  “However, Kris’ lawyer, Lee Hutton has told Laura Wasser that they absolutely intend to ask that cameras be permitted in the courtroom when this divorce goes to trial.”


As much as I hate to admit it, if this trial is filmed I may be calling in sick, having come down with a horrible case of Court TV.  Nancy Grace is no doubt reveling in anticipation!

The insider reveals, “This is absolutely going to trial and it’s not about money. Kris wants Kim to publicly acknowledge that the marriage was fraudulent and he wants an apology. Of course, if Kim were to do so, a messy divorce trial could be avoided. Team Humphries has been told in no uncertain terms though that is never going to happen.”  Really?  How hard is a public apology?  Surely she can make time for a quick 90 second blurb.  Perhaps Kanye could beat box in the background!

“Kim is just livid that she has to be deposed. She has tried to get out of it, but there is no way she can.  Kris is ready for his deposition to be taken and just wants the truth to get out about what he says really happened when they were dating and after the wedding,” adds the insider.

Poor Kris just can’t catch a break.  First his wife leaves him after a mere 72 days, and now he can’t get rid of someone he wasn’t ever dating (according to him).  While his soon to be ex-wife is flaunting her fame-whoring relationship to the world, Kris is adamant that he will not date until he’s a (legally) single man.  Will he hook up with bottom feeders hoping to get their fifteen minutes? Sure, but date?  Nah.

Speaking of fifteen minutes, Kris’ most recent booty call is looking for just that. (yes, again) is reporting that Myla Sinanaj, who was recently linked to Kris, has gone a tad Single White Female on him…so much so that the feds are getting involved!  The Kimmie lookalike allegedly tried to extort millions of dollars from the NBA player.

“Myla is truly acting like woman scorned. She didn’t get what she wanted from Kris and threatened to go to the press and ruin him if he didn’t pay her off. Myla wanted millions of dollars; it was totally outrageous. Kris has nothing to hide and decided to have his attorney, Lee Hutton, contact the FBI. Kris will meet with the FBI this week and turn over text messages and emails he had exchanged with Myla. Kris had to go to the FBI because he truly believes that she is capable of making up crazy lies about him. Kris will fully cooperate with the FBI and do anything that is asked of him,” a source close to the situation explains to the site.  “Kris just wants to forget he ever met her. He hasn’t spoken to her since she started claiming to be his girlfriend, and he has no plans to ever talk to her again.”

Boy, that Kris sure can pick ‘em!  Someone call Patti Stanger for this dude, stat!

Doing an entire 180, I have some horribly awful, terrible news.  News that is so dreadful, it pains me to type.  A lone tear may or may not have just hit my keyboard, and I am starting to feel very nauseous.  Oh Oprah, my Oprah!  What have you done?  This is certainly NOT one of my favorite things.

Oprah Winfrey has interviewed the Kardashian family.  I hope it’s some sort of diabolical plan, but given the clip below, I don’t think that’s the case.  According to The Washington Post, the talk show maven will be sitting down with the entire Kardashian/Jenner brood (even Rob!), as well as Lamar Odom and Scott Disick.  To have your heart broken over this turn of events, you are welcome to tune in to “Oprah’s Next Chapter” this Sunday at 8ET on OWN.


[Photo Credit: DJDM/]