RHOBH Films In Vegas: Kim Refuses To Attend Because Of Brandi And Lisa Has A Major Breakdown Over Kyle!

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is shaping up to have some serious drama this season! Except the drama  basically seems like a reboot of last year’s nonsense with the same feuds, the same annoyances, and the same contrivances.

Since it is my duty to report the crazy, filming has started and with it silly petty feuds have continued. Wetpaint reveals that the ladies recently filmed in Vegas – where ex-Housewife Camille Grammer tagged along. Didn’t she get fired?

Brandi Glanville, new BFF Lisa Vanderpump, Lisa’s old BFF Kyle Richards and new girl on the block Yolanda Hadid spent two days luxuriating at the Four Seasons’ super exclusive penthouse.


Adrienne Maloof refused to come on the trip since they weren’t staying at her hotel – either that or she attended but stayed at The Palms, which in case you didn’t know she owns and shameless promotes – even at the cost to her friendships. No just kidding. “Adrienne didn’t go because she had other commitments already scheduled,” the insider shares. “She’s very focused on her brand right now.”

Also missing from the trip was Kim Richards, who is keeping her feud with Brandi alive in the desperate attempt to get a decent storyline. Here’s a tip: It’s not working.

“Kim said no because of Brandi,” the insider explains. “She’s intimidated by her. It all stems from what happened between them last season. Kim still isn’t comfortable around her.”

Kim also had a good reason for staying home – she’s very focused on staying sober. “Kim’s sobriety is still pretty new,” the source adds. “Vegas probably wouldn’t have been the best idea for her, anyway.”

As for why Taylor Armstrong didn’t attend? Well no one likes her, so there’s that… OK – not really. She was shooting a PSA for domestic violence apparently.

“Honestly, she’s been taking a lot of flack lately for her partying and she just didn’t want to add any more fuel to the fire,” the source claims. “She’s a single mom now and she’s got a lot on her shoulders. She doesn’t need the world thinking she’s willing to leave her little girl at home to party in Las Vegas.”

Aaaahhhh… she couldn’t afford it anyway. Girl just hawked fake Birkins to pay legal fees! Bet she’s wishing she’d saved all the money she spent on Kennedy’s birthday parties!

With most of the high drama players staying home from the trip, one might think everyone got along great. Well, sorry… not possible. This is a Housewives trip after all!

RadarOnline is reporting that Kyle and Lisa ended up in a major argument and Lisa broke down in tears. “Lisa had a huge break down on the plane ride home,” an insider shares. “She and Kyle have been working hard to repair their relationship after last season and things came to a head.”

“Lisa was talking about how hurt she had been by Kyle turning on her at the end of the season and she burst into tears,” the insider continues. Allegedly the other women were “completely in shock” because they’d never seen the stone-faced RHOBH matriarch cry. “Kyle felt awful and was doing everything she could to comfort her.”

Apparently Lisa’s meltdown had the desired effect – Kyle realized she better change allies and get back on the Lisa-train. “Their friendship is in a much better place but it hasn’t totally healed yet,” a mutual friend reveals.

Adding to the issues on the trip, no one is really taking to newbie Yolanda – who also seems to regret partaking in reality TV!

“It seems like Yolanda was unprepared for the level of drama that comes with filming this show. She’s kind of out of her element,” an insider says. “Every time there was a fight or a breakdown, she was in disbelief.”

“After the trip was over, she told friends she can’t believe that grown women act this way,” the insider recalls. Um… you and me both, Yolanda! And that sentiment makes me like you already.

Apparently Yolanda’s low-key approach isn’t doing much for the producers who are worried. “The other ladies are clashing with each other all the time, there are a lot of crazy emotions involved, but Yolanda isn’t causing any drama or adding any drama  – she is a bore!”

[Photo Credit: Kyle Richards’ Twitter]