So last night on Project Runway meltdowns happened, two designers said sayonara, and based on some of the so-called work appropriate attire walking down the runway, some of these people have never led life in the real world.
Both Andrea Katz and Kooan said their good-byes by vacating the competition. Raul returned with a vengeance and continued to suck. The designers went to the Michael Kors store to learn what befalls quitters who aren’t bitchy enough – they pussy out and quit PR! They were also there to have it rubbed in their faces about what a big, flipping deal MC is.
So the designers had to create an outfit for the everyday woman on the go. She’s the girl who does everything – she works and cocktails and goes to mixers, she does club hopping and sample sales and mommyhood and then she travels from Paris Fashion Week to Disney World to Kenya but she’s only allowed to have one outfit to wear to everything. So it can’t wrinkle, it can’t be uncomfortable, and it has to be versatile. So that’s like no biggie right?
Yeah – some of these people have never had a job in an office and apparently think all people everywhere work in the office from The Devil Wears Prada.
The guest judges were designer Rachel Roy – who always provides good critique and thoughtful comments – and Hayden Panettiere who was there as the celebrity cuteface.
The best part about this episode was the abundance of Tim Gunn providing actual mentorship and we need more of that. So thanks for a subtle small reminder of what this show used to be.
Since nobody cares about anything but the clothes, Reality Tea is providing you a snap-judgement photocap. C’mon you know that’s how you watch the show, too!
OK, let’s trash discuss some looks!
[All Photo Credits:]
Project Runway Season 10, Episode 4
Alicia Hardesty - PR S10, Ep4
Alicia: This had its merits. I mean i could actually SEE, like, a real woman wearing this. Unfortunately it was stylish, but not exactly fashion. She needed to do more than an outfit I could find at The Gap albeit constructed of slightly better materials. -
Buffi - PR S10, Ep4
Buffi: So Buffi and her caftan kimono swimsuit coverup muumuu were sent home for being ridiculous and not satisfying the challenge in anyway. I mean what working woman on the go is wearing this unless she is the Director of Senior Activities on the lanai deck of a Royal Caribbean Cruise. I'm pretty sure Blanche Devereaux is in her mamba group. -
Christopher - PRS10, Ep4
Christopher: Hmmm... I fail to see how this represents Christopher's aesthetic at all. It seems like he was very inspired by a couple other designers instead. The lopsidedness of the skirt looked fashion school and the flounce was awkward. Frankly, that jacket was a disaster too. Looked cheap and wonkily constructed. I'm pretty sure the only person wearing this to work is Fashion Editor Barbie. Also, that bitch totally sabotaged Buffi and his sweetie poo-poo oh, so innocent act is getting old quick. -
Dmitry Sholokhov - PR S10, Ep4
Dmitry: I like it a leeetle and a lot. The criss-crosses were a little extreme, but the fit and construction were beautiful. And it actually looked like something that could be dressed up or down. Good showing, champ. -
Elena Slivnyak - PR S10, Ep 4
Elena: She really needs to knock it off with the Balenciaga impersonating. That coat, the layering, the aggressive collar - all totally Nicholas Ghesquiere. Look him up he's a genius. Elena - not so much. Also, too bulky and over-wrought, again. -
Fabio Costa - PR S10, Ep 4
Fabio: So, yeah... that skirt length totally violates most office dress codes and it's impractical. This was too short and cluttered. Furthermore it didn't read as Fabio's design. And the seaming did not line up in the back, which was distracting and right up the butt crack. Loved the print though. -
Gunnar Deatherage - PR S10, Ep 4
Gunnar: Lord help me and I can't believe I'm saying this about crazy skunk wackadoodle over there, but I actually liked this in a way. He thought about it at least and there were a lot of interesting elements even if they didn't necessarily work together. Each piece was chic on its own, though. Maybe I liked it because his presence was minimized on this episode and that made me appreciate his designs more. -
Melissa Fleis - PR S10, Ep 4
Melissa: Ok, honeydoo... homeless woman of the moors is going to have an awful lot of trouble lugging kids, soccer balls, and glasses of wine around with all those layers and swaddles. -
Nathan Paul - PR S10, Ep 4
Nathan: Nice and mustardy. Actually this was a great dress and I was surprised it didn't get any notice from the judges. The cape thingy was a little alarming ... supermommy need not wear a mustard wing cape. -
Raul Osorio - PR S10, Ep 4
Raul: Remember when he was auf'd? Yeah, that needs to happen again. -
Sonjia Williams - PR S10, Ep 4
Sonija: Congratulations and well deserved. This was beautiful, intricate, and well-fitted. I'm glad the judges recognized this for what it was. It fulfilled all the challenge requirements and is beautiful and wearable. Maybe one knot too many though. -
Ven Budhu - PR S10, Ep 4
Ven: Boring and over-done. The color was a snooze and it was way too many elements for Mr. I'm-So- Classy-Pants. I'm starting to realize he can only pull off cocktail and evening attire, because in what universe is this an acceptable dress to wear to work?