Did Emily Maynard Cheat On Jef Holm? Jef’s Brother Says Yes!

Uh-oh – is another Bachelorette romance biting the dust right out of the gate? Apparently Emily Maynard has been caught in a texting scandal by new-found fiance Jef Holm. Oh, dear.

Apparently while on a family vacation with Jef’s family he discovered racy texts being sent to an unidentified man. “There were texts and pictures: ‘Let’s do this and that with each other,'” a source reveals to Us Weekly.

Jef and Emily went into a bedroom and were yelling. He said, ‘You’ve been f**king cheating on me for months!’”

Jef reportedly told Emily:”‘Pack your s**t and get the f**k out.'” Allegedly Ricki was there during the fight and Emily told Jef to watch what he was saying in front of her daughter. The fight culminated with a sobbing Emily leaving the Myrtle Beach, S.C beach house, Ricki in tow, in the middle of the night.


Jef and Emily have of course denied the entire story and have been spotted together in Charlotte, NC since the alleged discovery. Emily tells People, “It’s 100 percent not true.”

“It’s funny to me,” Jef echos. “We were in a gated community in a private home with just my brothers and sisters. It’s just bogus a ‘source’ would [say] we were fighting. None of that is true.”

Jef claims he and Emily left the vacation at the exact same time and there was no such argument. They say the only reason they even confronted the rumor was their shock over the accusations.

Unfortunately it’s now one of Jef’s brothers who is claiming that the fight definitely occurred and it was indeed over Emily’s alleged affair.

“I can tell you that it’s all 100 percent true. I was there and I heard the fight and watched the whole thing go down, Emily leaving and everything,” Mike Holm reveals to Us Weekly.

And despite the betrayal, Jef’s family still supports the couple and wants them to stay together! Huh? “I love my brother very much and, like the rest of our family, I just want him to be happy,” Mike continues.

“We all love Emily, too. Mistakes happen, we all get that,” Mike adds. “I hope they can work it all out, but as far as your story goes, it’s all true.” Huh, again?

In response to his brother’s allegations Jef responded on twitter. “Crazy what people will do, even family members, to see their name in a magazine.”

Jef’s friend and former competitor Arie Luyendyk chimed in with some words of encouragement: “Not cool! This is be yesterday’s news tomorrow.”

Emily has not commented on Twitter, but she did post a photo of her with Jef and Ricki on said vacation. “The happiest I’ve ever been in my life with my two favorite people in the world. I love you to the moon,” she wrote. That photo is below.

And it seems despite the scandal the couple remains happy and very much together. Jef, who is currently in NC, says he has spent the past two days looking at condos in Charlotte. He also posted a photo of them taking Ricki to her first day of school.

“I have never been more in love or felt more confident about our relationship,” Emily gushed to People. “We’re so excited about the future and to be back in Charlotte and things are actually happening – looking at places to live and going to school. I’m happier than I’ve ever been.”

I have to say, I have doubts about this story. I really believe these two love each other and I hope it works out. Hopefully the fight, the texts, whatever – was just a big misunderstanding and they won’t let the media scrutiny hurt their relationship.

It’s pretty surprising that Jef’s brother would go to the press, though. I wonder what that’s about! It will be interesting to see if any more of Jef’s family members come forward confirming or denying the story…


Jef, Emily, Ricki, and Ricki’s grandparents on her first day of school this week. Everyone looks mighty happy after a cheating scandal! LOL [Photo Credit: Jef Holm’s Twitter]

Emily, Jef, and Ricki at the beach where she was allegedly caught sexting! [Photo Credit: Emily Maynard’s twitter]