Teen Mom 2 Reunion Recap: Fantasy Island


It's that special time of the season we've been waiting on for what seems like eons…the season finale of Teen Mom 2.  Last night, the girls and their children/parents/boyfriends/users sat down for a two hour chit chat with MTV's resident "therapist" Dr. Drew Pinsky.  Wait…what's that you say?  It wasn't the season finale?  Mid-season finale?  What the–?  I have never heard of such a thing.  You know what this means, right?

Let me break it down for you.  Remember how last week everything wrapped up ever so nicely in the calmest ninety minutes in the show's history?  Jenelle Evans and mom Barbara seemed to be mending their relationship.  Leah Messer Simms Calvert Insert Next Husband's Name Here realized she needed to move on from Corey now that she's pregnant with her new fiance's baby.  Kailyn Lowry began a new romance and was working to co-parent with Jo, and Chelsea Houska finally passed her GED.  Things were in a good place.  

Of course, leave it to MTV to make sure the true finale will be total chaos.  Next week the insanity of broken relationships, drug abuse, and violence spirals out of control when we are treated to the midseason premiere.  I can't keep up, so let's just focus on last night's drama, shall we?  Take it away, Dr. Drew


After a video recap of the overly long first half of the mid season review, the girls are sharing their reactions to their co-stars' stories.  All of the toddlers are doing great, and it seems that Jace has a crush on AubreeDrew reminds teens of the importance of safe sex and spouts off a web site.  MTV has these reunions down to a fomulaic science. 

Chelsea is the first teen mom to take the couch with Dr. Drew.  He fist pumps her for passing her GED.  We revisit Chelsea's story line, from yet another Adam break-up to finally getting into beauty school.  Chelsea reveals that she hasn't been with Adam for over six months, and she's over the drama between he and her father.  Dr. Drew is shocked to learn that Chelsea quit going to therapy after one session.  It was like a broken record, "bad relationship, unhealthy relationship, horrible relationship…" who wants to hear that?  Chelsea still seems to harbor the hope that she and Adam will end up together as a family.  She is just a lost cause. 

Adam joins her in the hot seat and admits that the pair had sex less than a month ago and didn't use protection.  This prompts a warranted "what the hell?" from ol' Drew.  Is it possible for Chelsea to be even dumber than she looks?  Chelsea hasn't changed a bit.  She is totally addicted to the drama that a relationship with Adam brings.  Adam is honest enough to say that he isn't ready to be a husband.  Chelsea's jaw automatically gets taut.  She says she feels Aubree's pain when Adam isn't around.  Sadly for Aubree, I think it's going to start being the other way around, given the way Chelsea cries in front of her poor daughter when Adam disappoints her.  Drew recognizes that Chelsea just wants the fantasy of a family.

Chelsea's father Randy joins the young parents on the sofa.  Randy isn't happy that Chelsea gave Adam two thousand dollars towards his truck, and he didn't like the way that Adam would threaten to leave Chelsea if she didn't buy him pricey gifts or give him large sums of money.  Adam swears he never did that, but when Dr. Drew asks Chelsea to clarify, she remains mute.  She then says that she didn't mind giving money to Adam when they were together because she felt like they shared everything.  Um…what, praytell, did he give her?  Also, why is he spending all that money on a truck and not on his daughter?  Randy does have to give Adam credit for being a good dad to Aubree and paying his child support.  Chelsea seems extremely uncomfortable sitting in between these two, and she gets teary when her father beams with pride for both her and Aubree.


Drew gives us yet another gripping statistic before showing us a peek at the roller coaster that is Jenelle so far this season.  It's the Ke$ha concert, y'all!  Jenelle shares that she hasn't smoked pot in month, and she isn't attending her twelve-step program.  However, she is seeing her psychiatrist and her psychologist on a regular basis.  She admits that the concert wasn't that great, and Jenelle realizes how ridiculous it was to choose Ke$ha over staying out of jail.  Jenelle tells Drew that Kieffer is in jail, but she's got a new Marine boyfriend.  In the grand scheme of Jenelle's boyfriends, I have no idea who she's referring to or where he fits on her timeline of losers. 

Barbara speaks with Drew and commends Jenelle's probation officer for saving her life.  She assures Drew that this Jenelle is a totally changed person.  Jenelle now sees why her mom wouldn't bail her out of jail, and Barbara sings her daughter's praises.  Their relationship is better than ever, and Barbara couldn't be happier with Jenelle's boyfriend.  Stop the presses, they are talking about Gary Head!  He's certainly the model citizen (bwahahahaha!), so I'm glad these two are back together after her brief marriage. 

Jenelle shares that Andrew still hasn't tried to see Jace, and he's still way behind on child support.  Andrew comes onto the set channeling his inner Saturday Night Fever.  #travoltawantshislookback  Andrew is trying to act like he's a stand-up guy, but he's failing miserably.  Barbara quickly puts him in his place.  When Jenelle shares her concerns that Andrew may be abusive towards Jace, he exclaims that he doesn't care that he used to hit Jenelle, he's not going to hit his son.  He's not winning any brownie points, that's for sure.  Andrew swears he's been sober for two and a half years, but he buries his head when Barbara questions him about a DUI from less than two years ago.  He swears that he hates Jenelle for keeping him from his son.  Barbara rattles off a list of holidays and birthdays, and she assures Andrew that if he wants to see Jace, all he has to do is call her.  Then Andrew admits that there is a teensy-weensy problem…he can't actually go back to North Carolina because he'll be arrested for non-payment of child support.  Well, that's quite the pickle!  Andrew then thanks Barbara for doing such a great job raising Jace.

Kailyn is up next, and we see highlights of a season of Jo/Jordan/Javi…she's got a thing for "J" names, doesn't she?  Drew discusses Kailyn's issues with her mom, and she explains that she hasn't spoken to her mother since that fateful phone call.  She is prepared to raise Isaac without a personal family support system in Pennsylvania.  Kailyn has put off a potential move to Texas for the time being.  Drew broaches the topic Jo's girlfriend, and Kailyn doesn't think it's a good idea for Jo to let his girlfriend be around Isaac.  Playing devil's advocate, Drew wonders why it's okay for her to bring Javi around Isaac.  Good question!  At least Kailyn is smart enough to be practicing safe sex with her new boyfriend. 

Jo joins Kailyn on the sofa and explains that Kailyn refuses to meet his new girlfriend.  Kailyn believes that Jo's girlfriend is extremely immature with her Twitter postings about Jo's private parts.  TMI, TM2!  The duo does agree that they are doing a good job with co-parenting, but they also sometimes test the waters to see if they still have feelings for one another.  Drew believes that Kailyn has a deep rooted fantasy about reconciling with Jo.  There's that word again…fantasy.  Jo says he doesn't know what the future holds…he's a rapper, not a fortune teller. 


Alarming statistic alert!  It's a great segue into a highlight reel of sob fests courtesy of Leah and Corey.  Leah shares that she miscarried the baby she was pregnant with at the close of the past season.  Leah still wants more kids because her maturity level isn't that of a teen.  She's way mature, y'all.  Drew tells Leah that an adult wouldn't think that way, and Leah gets very defensive.  She just wants to solidify the feeling of a family with Jeremy.  It's her fantasy.  Geez.  Leah breaks down sobbing and admits that she needs to slow down and get on birth control.  Drew tries to squash her fears regarding a blended family.  She is very short when Drew tries to ask her about Corey.  Sometimes she's still in love with Corey, and Jeremy understands that. 

Corey arrives sans camo hat.  He admits to being devastated when Leah announced her engagement and pregnancy.  Corey is happy for Leah, and he's glad she's chosen such a great guy.  However, he has a lot of regrets about his relationship with Leah.  Corey admits to shutting the door on a reconciliation because he didn't want to ruin a potential good thing for Leah and Jeremy.  He is very complimentary of Jeremy and his relationship with the twins, and he can't say enough nice things about Jeremy or Jeremy's parents.  How can you not love Corey?  Leah reveals that she and Corey talk like they are best friends, and it's not fair to her because it makes her question her relationship with Jeremy.  Leah knows that Jeremy would understand if she chose Corey.  Wait…she's engaged to Jeremy, right?  Just checking.  She then lays out a plan (a "fantasy" if you will) in which she could reconcile with Corey…wow.  Poor Jeremy is literally minutes from coming on stage.  Awkward.  Leah and Corey agree to go to counseling for co-parenting.  Drew polls the audience which unanimously thinks the pair should reconcile.  The good doctor feels badly for Jeremy…he must be a nice guy if both Leah AND Corey think so highly of him!

Dr. Drew apologizes to Jeremy for the rawness of Leah's honesty about her feelings for Corey.  Jeremy feels confused and guilty for coming in between this family.  Man, he's such a good guy too!  Jeremy assures Corey that he would never try to replace Corey in the twins' lives.  He thinks his relationship with Leah is good…minus the whole issue of her being in love with her ex.  Leah drops the bomb that her girls come first, but Corey would come second if he'd commit.  That makes Jeremy second runner up for Leah's heart.  Drew is shocked, but Jeremy shares that it's nothing new…Leah has always been completely honest with him.  Dr. Drew wonders why Jeremy bothers to stick around.  Leah doesn't feel guilty for accepting Jeremy's proposal even though she's uncertain about her feelings.  Corey would like to shut the door on a possible reconciliation because he doesn't want to ruin things for Leah and Jeremy.  Corey thinks that maybe they shouldn't talk every day.  Let's pat Drew on the back for not coming towards any sort of resolution.  I do have to say that despite their drama, I think Leah and Corey co-parent the most successfully.

The teen moms and dads join Drew for the evening's conclusion.  Adam admits that he's ready to move forward and work on a relationship with RandyJenelle feels relieved for talking to AndrewKailyn is pissed off due to some unknowns that happened backstage.  And bring on the kids!  They are so cute.  Isaac is sporting a big bite mark on his face thanks to Aubree.  Aubree quickly asks for Barbara (that melts my heart…I can so picture Babs playing grandma to all of the kids backstage) before planting a kiss on Jace.  It's cute, yet slightly uncomfortable.  And the end…until next week!


[Photo Credit: MTV]