All Gifts On Farrah Abraham’s Amazon Wish List Bought?

'Teen Mom' Farrah Abraham enjoys a day on the beach wearing a Kiss inspired, Betty Bangs Bikini while in Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Last week, Farrah Abraham tweeted the link to her Amazon wish list, thanking her sugar daddies fans in advance for buying her gifts. Did you buy Farrah an "entriguing" chandelier? Or perhaps a new "dinning room" table and chairs for the former Teen Mom star… #confessiontime

Farrah told Radar that all the items on her list – all $13,000 worth – have been purchased. (Side note: I have since learned that wish lists are super popular among porn stars and escorts. Who knew?!?) In true Farrah fashion, she went on to justify the list, making absolutely no sense whatsoever.


The self-proclaimed millionaire explained that she's constantly receiving gifts – for being such a sweetheart, I'd imagine – so a friend urged her to make the list to control what gets shipped to her backdoor. Now, according to Farrah, all of her Amazon wishes have come true. Wait, Farrah has a friend? I don't believe a single thing that comes out of this girl's mouth. 

Farrah's advice to her haters? "You know what? I think if they are so hateful towards having an Amazon wish list, I recommend that they maybe make their own wish list," she said. "It's just something fun like having any other app for whatever list you would like to create, like Pinterests, that you have." 

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However, when her haters are done creating their own lists, they can pretty much just STFU. "So I mean everyone has their own money, everyone strives to buy their own things, but I'm fortunate, I guess, because I receive amazing gifts all the time from people," continued Farrah. "So I think any negative comments can be kept to themselves."

In other news, Teen Mom 3, featuring Alex Sekella, Mackenzie Douthit, Briana DeJesus, and Katie Yeager, debuts tonight. Reality Tea will be live-tweeting the premiere at 10PM EST. 


Photo credit: Ralph Notaro/Splash News