Big Brother 15 houseguest Aaryn Gries, a 22-year-old college student and unemployed model from Texas, has been denounced by Big Brother fans, as well as mainstream media, for spewing racist and homophobic remarks.
Last night, Aaryn was unanimously voted out of the Big Brother house, and now she'll join Candice Stewart, Jessie Kowalski, and Helen Kim in the jury house. But first… a little chat with Julie Chen…
Much to my amazement, Julie grilled Aaryn last night, and I think she did the best she could with the "no info from the outside world" rule she must follow to keep the jury fair. Also a shock? CBS let the audience BOO! Aaryn.
Highlights of Aaryn's exit interview with Julie:
Julie: "In the early days of this game, you said some pretty harsh things about your fellow housemates. Others were interpreting your words as being racist. How do you respond to that?"
Aaryn: "Being southern, it's a stereotype. I have said some things that have been taken completely out of context and wrong. I do not mean to ever come off as racist. That's not me, and I apologize to anyone I've offended for that."
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Julie: "You say the intention was not to hurt anyone, let me just read back a few of the things you've said. (audience reacts in anticipation) Referring to Candice, you said, 'Be careful what you say in the dark, might not be able to see the bitch.' Referring to Helen, you said, 'Shut up, go make some rice.' Referring to Andy, you said, 'No one's going to vote for whoever that queer puts up.' Can you see how those things can be interpreted as racist and as homophobic?"
Aaryn: "I do. I do not remember saying those things. (audience half laughs/half boos) Those things were not meant to be serious. If I said those things, I feel horrible for that and I regret that. I don't even know what else to say."
Julie: "Being locked away for 70 days from friends, family, the outside world, do you think playing Big Brother has taught you anything about yourself? Or taught you anything?"
Aaryn: "I definitely do. It's taught me a lot about people and life in general. I feel like a completely different leaving the house, and I loved everyone in there. Andy and I are great friends. Candice and I are great friends. I love Helen more than anything. (audience laughs) It hurts me that I would say something like that."
Julie: "Final thoughts?"
Aaryn: "No. I honestly feel horrible. In Texas, we say things. Sometimes we joke and we don't mean it, and I really feel bad that this is how it's being seen and how I've come across to people. I don't want to seem like that person. I really do respect everyone in this game. Although, we've had some really hard times, because we're all fighting for our lives in the game."
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Julie: "You're in a unique spot. When this is all over, you're going to get to go home and watch a whole lot of footage of yourself living for 70 days. After you watch all this footage, I hope you have a new perspective on things."
Just before CBS cuts to commercial, it appears as if Aaryn and Julie cannot get away from each other fast enough.
Big Brother finale night – September 18 – cannot come soon enough! Can we give Julie the $500,000 prize? #ExpectTheUnexpected
Photo credit: CBS