Big Brother 15 Houseguest Aaryn Gries: Mom Speaks Out, Criticizes Julie Chen


Big Brother 15 has been consumed by controversy. Several houseguests have come under fire for  spewing hate  on  Big Brother's  uncensored live feeds. One of the worst offenders, Aaryn Gries, was evicted last week. 

As we previously reported, Aaryn's mother, Elizabeth Owens, hired a publicist to help repair her daughter's image. Now that Aaryn has been evicted (though she's still sequestered) and the Big Brother finale is just two weeks from today (when Aaryn will reenter society), it's time for this publicist to get to work! 

In a recent statement, Elizabeth criticized CBS for airing Aaryn's racist and homophobic remarks but not many of her apologies. Elizabeth also expressed disappointment in Julie Chen for attacking Aaryn upon her eviction. 


"While I love and continue to support my daughter, words cannot describe my disappointment in some of her comments made on Big Brother," shared Elizabeth. "These inappropriate comments certainly do not represent the value system under which her father and I have raised her. Aaryn is a young 22-year-old college student that has spent 70 days living in a fish bowl and making mistakes for America to see."

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Elizabeth added that Aaryn is kind, loving, and generous.

"It appears that it was beneficial for Big Brother to focus on the negative comments made by Aaryn to boost ratings,"  complained Elizabeth.  "Again, I DO NOT condone those inappropriate comments, but I – and I am sure the entire Big Brother audience – would have appreciated the show's producers also airing her complete statement acknowledging the mistakes she made and more of her apologies to the houseguests while still in the house."

About Aaryn's exit interview, Elizabeth said, "I am disappointed that a woman of Julie Chen's stature would choose to attack Aaryn and influence America to judge the fallacies she [Julie] seems to have about Aaryn."

Elizabeth added that Aaryn loves all people equally and couldn't possibly be the raging racist that CBS made her out to be. Why?

According to Elizabeth, Aaryn's first true love was Cuban American. Also, her prom date was African American, and a few of Aaryn's cousins are of Japanese descent. Still not convinced? Aaryn recently sponsored a little girl in the Philippines through the Save the Children program. (Is she serious right now?)

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"I am also confident that Aaryn will learn from any mistakes she has made and use this experience to grow and heal," said Elizabeth. "It is my hope and prayer that those who have been hurt can find it in their hearts to forgive Aaryn."

CBS responded to Elizabeth's criticism: "We believe the show has handled a very difficult situation appropriately, and that Aaryn's comments on the live 24/7 Internet feed and on the broadcast speak for themselves."


Photo credit: CBS