In an interesting twist this week, Teresa Giudice opted to post her Real Housewives of New Jersey blog on her own personal site rather than share it on the Bravo website. After reading it, it's pretty clear why.
Teresa is very blunt about her frustration with the editing of this week's episode, blaming Bravo for skewing certain things, slamming Melissa for Tweeting nonsense and calling Caroline a liar.
She starts off sharing that she loved and hated the episode. She first says what she liked about the episode (and throws digs at Melissa right out of the gate), "I loved it because I really loved the entire experience in Arizona. I love new things. You didn't see me making fun of the counselors or putting it down or whining in bed because I really appreciated everything about it. Part of life is to keep learning new stuff, and I love that. I was open to everything: the drums, the psychic, the horse, the high-wire. We were there to get some healing, and I was ready. I was tired of crying! Some good vibes and happiness were welcome!"
And on to the negative. Teresa shares that a lot of her scenes were cut and edited and not shown in their entirety. (That's what they all say, right?) "I hated this episode though because you got to see everyone else's full experience with Wyatt the Horse Whisperer except mine. I know they can't show everything, but both my brother and I were able to approach the horse with openness and honesty, and he lifted his leg for both of us. For me, it was a really big accomplishment, and I'm sorry you didn't get to see it. I'm also sorry that Melissa chose to speak for me on Twitter and say that we all regretted not opening up for the horse. I don't regret it because I did open up! Why she alone didn't is for her to explain…". These two are clearly not in a good place, no matter what crap they try to spew in interviews. Their blogs tell completely different stories.
Teresa says despite her overwhelming fear of the horse, she pushed on. "One thing I'm not is a quitter. I like to push myself and learn new things about myself, and I didn't want to give up. I did get the horse to lift its leg for me, I did scrape its hoof, and I was soooooo proud of myself afterwards!"
Mrs. Juicy was unhappy with her cast mates pretending that she didn't have success with the horse. "I'm super bummed that some of the people that were there with me like Caroline and Kathy and Melissa, who saw me overcome my fear and work with the horse successfully, acted like I didn't. Everyone is afraid of different things. Caroline grew up on a farm, so the horse was no problem for her. It was scary and different and strange for me. The next day when we were up on the high-wire, I had no problem, but Caroline had a melt-down. Heights are really hard for her. She was hysterical crying, and wouldn't do it. I didn't judge her or say she wasn't opening herself up. I knew it was hard for her. I encouraged her, reminding her that I overcame my fear with the horses, and she could overcome her fear of heights."
Teresa continued slamming Caroline and calling her a liar, "For Caroline to say I'm just like Melissa, and that I'm superficial, says a lot about her character. She saw that I did open myself up to the experience, so for her to lie like that makes no sense to me. I thought we were there for healing, and I certainly didn't belittle her for her fears. She was miserable the entire trip, fighting with Albert the whole time. And she has the nerve to say I didn't embrace it? Disappointing."
She tries to explain that the Milania phone call was edited poorly. "We were filming at the ranch for hours and hours, and at one point, nature called and my Joe got up to go to the bathroom. When he was walking back, Milania called, so he answered. He waved me over so I could talk to her too. We had been there all day, and I wanted to make sure there wasn't anything wrong at home. I missed my girls! I can't believe of all people that Kathy didn't understand that, but I guess she and Rich have a limited memory for things. For Rich to talk about my husband delaying legal issues is insane to me. My husband cannot control the legal system, and Rich of all people knows this. Rich's had his fair share of lawsuits and I would never comment about his behavior in them. Shameful." Ouch!
Dang. This cast is NOT healed by a long shot. And it seems like Teresa is pretty frustrated by her edit this season.
In my humble opinion, Bravo needs to take a long hard look at where they're heading with the HW franchise and shake things up – for the BETTER. New casts, new approach to "storylines", filming, etc. Get back to some element of "reality TV": spontaneous and off the cuff.
Teresa's friend and co-author Heather Maclean went on a Twitter rant about the bad edit. It's a fun read! 😉
Photo Credit: Bravo TV