Teresa Giudice Blaming Drama On Caroline Manzo’s “Karma” Shirt? Says She’s “So Happy Right Now”

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Teresa Giudice didn't have a bone to pick with Bravo this week, so the Real Housewives of New Jersey star took to the network site to share her thoughts on this week's episode

Teresa first shares that she and her cast mates are competitive, "Zen tennis wasn't very zen for me because I'm too competitive. I think we all are! And I've never played tennis before in my entire life. Swear! But it was fun and great exercise — a full body workout! I really like it. Maybe when Audriana goes to school, I'll take lessons or something."  Not sure if they'll offer those in federal prison? But what do I know? They might!


After the high wire therapy, Teresa says that she assumed drama was on the agenda….because of Caroline Manzo's sweatshirt? Really.  She writes, "The high wire thing was exhausting, and I was so looking forward to just relaxing and having a drink that night. I should have known that was never going to happen as soon as I saw Caroline wearing that Karma sweatshirt from the gift shop! We were all in a good place, we'd done therapy in Lake George with Dr. V, we'd worked out physically in Arizona, I just wanted to relax a little and enjoy my friends and family. I'm not sure why Caroline was so interested in stirring things up again. I didn't want to. Not because I don't want to get everything out, but we'd been doing that for months! Sometimes you have to move on to heal. If you keep opening old wounds, they will never heal. You have to stop picking.  When Caroline doesn't want to talk about her family issues, I respect that. I wish she would respect my wishes. It's not my place to butt into how she deals with her family issues, and I don't think it's her place to butt into mine, especially when we're good!" 

Teresa shares why she wants Joe (and everyone else) to ignore rumors and not give them any attention, "I hate seeing my brother so upset about rumors. That's another reason I didn't want to bring everything up again. We've all faced terrible rumors. Every husband in that room has had to hear bad things about his wife. Some husbands (and moms!) have to see those rumors on the front cover of magazines every time they go to the grocery store. We've all learned though that the best way to deal with it is to ignore it especially when the rumors are ridiculous. If you don't give a fire air, it goes out. The more attention you give to a rumor, the less likely that it will die. That's what we were trying to tell Joey, just ignore it. If you spend all your time and energy trying to hunt down every rumor in the world when you're on TV, you will not have a happy life."   Teresa IS right about this one, I have to admit.  The rumors would die off eventually if the shit-stirrers see that nobody is going to pay attention to them/it. 

Not so shockingly for Teresa, she closes her blog proclaiming how happy she is at the moment.  "I'm happy to say my life is very happy right now. The kids start school this week. Hallelujah! I hate to see summer end, but there's good things about every new season. Thank you all so much for your hilarious and heartwarming messages. You make me smile every day."  Delusional denial, party of one, your table is ready. 



Photo Credit: Ivan Nikolov/Wenn.com