Photos: Lisa Hochstein Chips A Tooth – Karent Sierra To The Rescue!

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It pays to have connections!  Lisa Hochstein chipped her tooth at 1 a.m. and thankfully she has friends in all the right places – Karent Sierra DDS to the rescue. 

Lisa chipped the tooth at her friend Carrie's birthday celebration and her former Real Housewives of Miami co-star Karent took the emergency call, offering to meet Lisa at her office.  Lisa shared Tweets and photos of the traumatic morning, "@karentsierra and I at 1 am in her office fixing my chipped tooth. I don't follow instructions well lol #acid #dentist #drkarentsierra this should be on #rhom.  Came to my rescue at 1am! #loveher #goodfriend best #dentist ever". 

Karent fixed her up and was glad to see Lisa's "hillbilly smile" gone.  "Happy to have been able to take care of my friend @lisahochstein #dentistsaregoodfriendstohave.  Looking fabulous Miss Lisa! No more hillbilly smile  @lisahochstein #smile #teeth #emergencydentist #dentalspa".  (How many hashtags can they cram in one Tweet?)

This is why it's important to never burn those reality TV bridges, ladies!


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Photo Credit: Instagram