You know, I gotta hand it to NeNe Leakes she has learned from her mistakes and grown from them. Case in point, last season she gave Kenya Moore a chance but she has since seen the error of her ways and is henceforth intolerant of such "foolishness"! You and me both, Ms. Leakes!
Additionally I'm proud of NeNe for not going bizonkers when Kenya grabbed her ear during this Sunday's episode of Real Housewive of Atlanta. Somewhere in her massive mcmansion that is used but not really used Kim Zolicak's mouth is still hanging open in shock as she relives the Miami Tour Bus Meltdown – BLOOP, BLOOP!
Discussing the season premiere, NeNe is happy to be back, but not so happy to be forced to deal with Krayonce, nor her questioning NeNe's intentions when it came to her wedding guest list!
"I invited family, friends, business associates, and some people out of respect! Kenya fit in the respect category, because I didn't know her well, but we were on the show together," NeNe writes in her Bravo blog.
"Now whether she attended or not wasn’t important to me, but out of respect, I thought she would at least respond to me (and not on Twitter)! She responded on Twitter by saying congrats to us, which showed me she wanted the world to know she was invited and also wanted them to know she didn't attend," NeNe explains. "The motives people have are sometimes crystal clear! Remember I told you "motives"…we will revisit this again later in the season! Wink wink."
Yes, interesting that Kenya has time to tweet about NeNe's wedding, but not drop an RSVP card in the mail. As my dad likes to say, it's the extra 2 seconds that count!
"Gregg and I had been married two weeks when Cynthia [Bailey] held her event. As you saw, Kenya visited with Cynthia and told her she thought her 'friends' would have reached out to her during her time of eviction (referring to me, Kandi, and Cynthia). Foolishness!"
NeNe continues, "Now you need to practice what you preach, Miss Kenya. Do onto others as you would have them do onto you! I already told you Kenya didn't reach out to me."
NeNe also calls into question Kenya's eviction drama. Like, why was a so-called big time Hollywood producer evicted in the first place?! Same reason a big-time Hollywood actress owes back taxes, I s'pose. PLONK!
"Listen I am a smart girl. When I enter a room, I can feel the energy. I knew once Kenya entered that the foolishness was about to begin, so I tried to remove myself by taking a tour of Cynthia's new space but ended up bumping into Kenya anyway," NeNe says.
"She approached me about why Walter was invited to my wedding and why I hadn't reached out to her during her eviction drama. So let me answer! Surely someone who claims to be a top actress, producer, and director who is selling DVDs everywhere is not evicted! Besides this was not national news. This was on a few blogs. I didn't feel the need to reach out about gossip."
"Why I invited Walter is simple: I was getting married! I will repeat, I was getting married, which means I invite whoever the hell I choose!" And point goes to NeNe. Plus, all the ladies of RHOA have mentioned several times that they get along with Walter and considered him a friend, despite the Kenya malarky.
I hope Walter doesn't become RHOA's Slave Smiley and start dating Housewife after Housewife to remain associated with this show. I guess the only available girl is Porsha – for now!
Finally NeNe addresses the ear grab. "I have come a long ways baby! I know when somebody wants a reaction out of me for their own purposes. I know water is free in America, but so many of these girls are thirsty! I'm not willing to risk what I have, what I have worked for, and what I have become for somebody that has been on a 20 year hiatus!"
I have to say, I like this new approach. Has NeNe been getting anger management in secret or is it only Wig that puts her over the edge? I mean cause I know Wig puts me over the edge…
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