Million Dollar Listing LA Star Josh Altman Crashes SUV Into The House Of Blues


Million Dollar Listing L.A. star Josh Altman was involved in a chain reaction car accident yesterday that led to his Range Rover crashing into the House of Blues in West Hollywood. Neither Josh nor his ego were injured.

Several cars were involved in the car accident which was caused by a driver attempting to make a dangerous and illegal U-turn across Sunset Blvd.  The turn caused the driver of a Honda to hit the brakes.  When Josh swerved to avoid the Honda, his Range Rover clipped a taxi and the House of Blues.


"It looks worse than it was," reported Matt Altman. "The accident just affected his bottom front bumper."  The damage to the House of Blues also appears to be minimal. Business will not be affected while repairs are being made.

We're happy to hear Josh is safe and sound. 

Photo Credit: Bravo

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