EXCLUSIVE: Adriana de Moura On Joanna Krupa Drama And Season 4 Of Real Housewives Of Miami!

adriana de moura red

Last week we spoke with Adriana de Moura to get her perspective on this past season and the tumultuous Real Housewives of Miami reunion.

Adriana described the ups and downs in her relationship with Joanna Krupa and just what exactly happened between her and Lea Black. She also discussed some of the things viewers don't know about her and talked season 4 – if there is one! 

Describing the reunion as "emotionally draining and explosive," Adriana says many of the conflicts are "bound to happen." 

Do you have any regrets?

"Not really. I regret the downfall of my friendship with Lea because she's so unflexible and unsympathetic. I regret the fact that our boys aren't as close they used to be." 


What happened with Joanna? You guys seemed to be getting along so well during the finale?

"When I went to her bachelorette party and wedding we had a great time. I was really hoping for a budding friendship at that time," Adriana recalls adding that she really does not like to hold onto grudges. "I was sincerely trying to bond and develop a friendship. And it was working! Although Lea was very jealous," Adriana laughs, "And trying to break that up." 

"I don't know what was going on behind the scenes. I know that Lea was giving her [Joanna] and Lisa [Hochstein] an earful to try make them against me." 

Adriana says that she realized Joanna wasn't sincere about a true friendship when throughout the season she made rude comments on twitter and in her blogs. "Every week she would make comments about footage that was being shown and she would rehash the past. Then she would write nasty things on her blog about me. I kept saying, 'Wait a minute… but we were good at your wedding? What happened? Last time I saw you we were OK.' I just remained quiet and thought maybe she was venting."

"When my wedding came and she gave an interview saying my wedding was just like nails on a chalkboard and it was a horrible experience – and she wasn't even there! I was still holding back, but when I got to the reunion and saw how ugly she was getting and really coming for the throat at Lisa I was just like, 'Enough's enough' and it is what it is now! I tried my best. She was showing that she didn't really mean it." 

Are you close with Lisa?

"I am friends with Lisa," Adriana said with a pause. "But we truly did not spend that much time together throughout the season. She and Joanna were spending a lot more time together. I barely saw Lisa besides the times that had to do with my wedding." 

Do you think your wedding was accurately portrayed by the show?

Adriana did a pause before answering then said, "I feel like they showed maybe a quarter of my wedding. It was a really beautiful ceremony."

"Obviously there was a lot of waiting around," Adriana admits. "You can't deny that!" She went on to describe the involvement of her son, the beautiful piano piece he played during the exchanging of the rings and some poems they recited, which she did not feel was "captured" by the cameras. 

Adriana did not have anything new to add regarding the drama of the marriage license debacle. She maintains that she felt "very emotionally divided" after obtaining the license and upon realizing "it wasn't the right time for us" they decided to put things off. Adriana reiterates that she definitely never felt married in her heart until the church ceremony. 

Adriana still faults Lea for the fact that it blew up into a media frenzy. 

"This is my life; this is my choice! Just because Lea, five years later, turns on me and decides that she is gonna use that to crucify me because that's the only thing she had to criticize me, to attack my character – and that's why we started to fight. It's because Lea needed to hurt me and discredit me. Otherwise this would have never been a big news story. It wasn't something intended to deceive or hurt or malicious plot. I was doing the best I could to protect my son – it was just as simple as that!" 

Adriana says Lea's anger with her started at the previous year's reunion when Ana Quincoces attacked her and Lea never got over it. "She told me, right before we started filming [season 3], that she was never gonna forgive me for not speaking up when Ana was saying things about her. I had no idea what Ana was going to say because Ana and I had never been close. She needed to blame somebody. But it was the first time I heard all of it… The fact that she had a step-daughter that I never knew existed and many other things – I was just thinking 'What?!' Because of that she punished me the whole season." 

On maintaining a relationship with Lea, Adriana says it's treading on thin ice. "Everybody has to defend her. And she considers herself on a higher platform. She's just full of double-standards." 

Are you still friends with Marysol Patton and Alexia Echevarria?

 "We are good friends. Marysol and I speak every other day. I visit Elsa when I can." 

I also asked her about Frederic's 1920's yacht which he has been restoring. Adriana excitedly told me, "It is about 70% done. I can't wait for the boat to be finished. It's very detail-oriented work." All that remains is plumbing, electrical, and other motor-related items. 

Finally I asked her about season 4 and if she would return? 

If there is another season, then an enthusiastic yes! Adriana would like to show viewers a different side of herself and get a bit of redemption. 

"This season took a lot from me because everything had to do with people talking about me or talking about my wedding. I had a tough season emotionally. So I'm just hoping that next season I get to enjoy myself more and show my fun side."

"I'm sometimes over-sensitive. And because of that I overreact, because I take in too much. It can be good for TV, but at the same time I am not a big, bad monster!" 

Adriana says spending time with her son puts the show into perspective and she realizes, "This is just so foolish." 

[Photo Credit: Derrick Salters/WENN.com]