Tamra Barney Wants A Judge To Overturn Ex-Husband’s Ban On Their Kids Appearing On Real Housewives Of Orange County!

Tamra Barney Wants A Judge To Overturn Ex-Husband’s Ban On Their Kids Appearing On Real Housewives Of Orange County!

Before Tamra Barney was Tamra Judge she was actually Tamra Barney. And married to Simon Barney, with whom she originally appeared on Real Housewives of Orange County

Tamra's three kids were once part of her storyline as the "hottest Housewife in the OC" in her dreams, but ever since their divorce Simon has refused to let the kids be filmed for the show. He claims they hate the show and that it's better for them to be kept away from the spotlight! I agree. Simon even refused to drop his position to permit his children to be seen on Tamra's OC Wedding

Tamra, of course, desperately wants her kids on film and like all good famewhores, she's fighting Simon on the matter. Tamra filed a court order to petition a judge to overturn Simon's ban, stating: “Petitioner (Simon) is acting in bad faith. When he himself was on the show, prior to our separation, he had no issue at all in consenting to the children’s participating."

“Now that we are separated, the Petitioner refused to allow the kids to partake and has directly threatened legal action against the network," say documents obtained by Radar Online. When filming for Tamra's wedding Simon did threaten the network not to even show the kids in passing – allegedly. 


Furthermore Tamra disputes Simon's claims that her daughter Sophia, 8, has no interest in being on TV. “I wish to provide her that opportunity,” Tamra said. “In fact, if our other children express a desire to participate in the future, I would also provide them with that opportunity.”

The couple shares joint physical custody and Tamra feels when they are with her in her home she should be permitted to allow them on film. "Petitioner has threatened to sue the network that runs my show, should they allow the children to participate in the show though said participation shall fall within my periods of physical custody," she states. 

Tamra specifies, “The times that Sophia (or any of the other children) would be filming would be during my periods of physical custody.

“These threats have prevented me from exercising legal control over the minor children during my periods of physical custody as the network will not allow the minor children to participate in the filming of the Series due to the Petitioner’s previous threats, without either the Petitioner’s execution of a consent form or finding of this court that I may consent independently.

“The network will not allow our children to participate despite my consent. I have requested that the Petitioner sign an appropriate consent, but he refused.”

Tamra claims she would not have brought this to the court's attention were it not for Simon's threats against NBC/Bravo. In fact she claims she has full legal recourse to have the children on film but is concerned about Simon's behavior if she goes ahead and exercises her rights. 

“The existing Judgement does not require that I need Petitioner’s consent to allow the children to participate in the filming of the show,” Tamra attests. Her attorneys argue that under family code, "she may act alone to permit the children to participate in the show, but only during her periods of physical custody." 

So… basically Tamra just wants a judge to agree with her so that if Simon tries to take her to court for any sort of violation or lawsuit she can attest that a judge signed off on this and she's legally within rights. 

The exes will meet in court next week on December 20. Interestingly, RHOC is filming NOW so I wonder if this will be part of Tamra's storyline. Is that a rhetorical question?

[Photo Credit: Getty]