Abby Lee Miller never ceases to amaze me with her hatefulness as she pits Chloe against…Chloe? This show is totally fake, right? On last night's Dance Moms, the troupe convenes for the pyramid, but instead of praising the girls for their great victories in the last competition, she goes through a laundry list of Kelly and Christi's bad behavior. Next she introduces the team to "the new Chloe" who she found at the open call in Orlando. She makes the Chloes stand side-by-side, and poor vintage Chloe looks totally crestfallen. I wonder if Chloe 2.0's mom knows what she's gotten her daughter into with Abby!
MacKenzie is on the bottom for not winning her division followed by Brooke who is a slave to her smart phone. Paige places one step higher than her sister for technical issues. Kendall rounds out the bottom. Chloe is the last on the second rung for not being perfect in the trio. Third from the top is the new Chloe. Why not? That's totally fair. Maddie takes the second spot, and girlfriend does not like it when she's not on top. She should never play poker. I am so proud of Nia for making it to the top of the pyramid. Well deserved, for sure! Kendall and Nia will be performing a jazz routine. Old Chloe and new Chloe will dancing head to head in solos. Melissa starts to shake…why can't Maddie compete against the new Chloe?
In the viewing room, Melissa is the first to interrogate the frozen faced Mary, who is mom to Chloe 2.0. No one is shocked to hear that she works in plastic surgeon's office. The moms are ruthless with Mary, but she can certainly hold her own. The second she leaves the room, all of the moms start cackling. The ever adorable Christi's daughter pops into the viewing room and announces she prefers to be called the "Original Chloe." She's as sweet as ever…I hope her mother's attitude never rubs off on her!
With only two days until the competition, Mary has already learned the way to Abby's heart…bribery. She gifts Abby with a high priced facial spa treatment. The girls are rehearsing their group number, and Abby reveals that it's a nod to the 1930's French cabaret. The moms notice that Abby is spending a lot more time working on this group dance. Abby wants to make sure the new Chloe can dance with her girls, but she's not living up to Abby's expectations. Jill and Holly wonder when Abby will start choreographing the duet. They interrupt the group rehearsal, and Abby yells that there may not be a duet. She doesn't give a rip about the duet. Holly can't believe that Nia is on the top of the pyramid and she may not even get to showcase her talent. Mary thinks the moms should be grateful for Abby's attention, and Christi calmly (I was shocked, too!) reminds her that she can judge once she's spent as much time at the ALDS as they have.
As the moms watch in the viewing room, Mary takes a call on speaker phone from Chloe 2.0's current studio owner. He is upset that she's gone behind his back to dance for "Flabby Miller." Mary shares that her Chloe is dancing circles around the other girls, and you can practically see the smoke coming out of Melissa's ears. This woman can't possible think her daughter is better than Maddie! Holly and Jill are annoyed that the duet has been put on the back burner. Abby spends most of the duet rehearsal gabbing on the phone, and she's frustrated that the girls can't do things correctly the first go-round. Abby tells Holly and Jill that she's going to pull the duet, and she blames the girls for not interrupting her for more practice time when she was on the phone. Seriously?
At the competition, Abby is appalled to find out that Mary doesn't have her own needle and thread. As the girls get dressed for the duet, Abby is screaming about how incompetent Holly and Nia are. She's such a gem. At least she gives both Chloes a semi-nice pep talk. Kendall and Nia are determined to show Abby that they can do a great job with their duet after a mere seventeen minutes with their dance teacher. They nailed it. Likewise, the original Chloe rocks her solo. While I didn't love the choreography, Chloe does an amazing job, and her expressions blow Maddie's cry face out of the water.
It's time for the new Chloe's solo, and original Chloe wishes her luck. She's such a sweetheart. Chloe 2.0 is very talented, and it's almost like watching Maddie perform. Abby is glowing throughout her routine…until the flower in Chloe's bun falls off. Abby is livid. Mary thinks one of the other moms may have sabotaged her daughter. The girl Abby recruited could have beaten the pants off Maddie, and this Chloe is a hot mess. Abby also has no love for the "fine" duet. The group number is a tad too Moulin Rouge for my taste, but they did a good job. Mary tells the moms that her daughter was off because she's used to more difficult choreography, and she's tired of slumming it in Pittsburg. Scripted much? New mom Mary is a horrible actress and she storms out. Abby warns Mary that she better not get on her bad side. At the awards ceremony, the original Chloe places fourth while the newbie scores second. The duet garner's third. Thankfully, the group number takes the top spot. Abby keeps the girls out while she yells at the moms about how disappointed she is. She only wants to teach girls that warrant her attention. Jill sums it up perfectly…Abby is a "miserable bitch."
[Photo Credit: Lifetime]