Yolanda Foster Wonders Why Everyone Is Intimidated By Lisa Vanderpump

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - Season 4

Well bring it, YoFo! Yolanda Foster is coming across as polite as ever in some parts of her Bravo blog, but the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star is shares some pretty passive aggressive commentary this week regarding Brandi Glanville's wild antics, Kyle Richards' ability to forgive and forget if it means being back on the outskirts of the inner circle, and why all the ladies are so terrified of big, bad Lisa Vanderpump. Watch those lemon trees, Yolanda…them's fightin' words!

After calling out Lisa for regretting to her painting party at the last minute, Yolanda feels the need to defend herself after what happened in Andy Cohen's clubhouse last week. She begins, 'First, I wanted to clear up Brandi's jab at me with her tweet while I was on WWHL saying I cancelled dinner plans with her. It surprised me because it would have been justified if I had been a hypocrite and cancelled plans with her and instead taken a business meeting that was more important — but that’s absolutely not what happened! I cancelled because I was dealing with my crying child across the country in NY who was just diagnosed with a disease we were trying to figure out. This is something I shared with B in good faith — but not something I wanted to share with all of you because that’s my daughter’s privacy. But since Brandi brought it up on national TV, I feel I have to clarify the situation."


Yolanda explains, "Obviously she lashed out at my comment about our friendship (which made her feel that I don't love her). But, the truth is that I do care for her and never intended to hurt her feelings. We all lead busy lives. Even though we text once in a while, we have not seen each other in five months, so I am not going to sit here and pretend we are BFFs and talk every day because we don't," adding, "I have taken a lot of heat for supporting Brandi through all her ups and downs but I have done so because she supported me while I was down and out. Even though she is unfiltered on the surface, I always believed her to be a kind and good-hearted person deep down inside that needed my support, but I truly hope she does not mistake my kindness for weakness." That sounds almost like a thinly veiled threat—I think I like it!

Moving on to Lisa, Yolanda starts off with a compliment before stirring the pot. It's a classic RHOBH move, isn't it? She writes, "Lisa has impeccable taste, so I enjoy watching her and Kevin plan an extraordinary setting — but the fact that it's a joint birthday party for Ken and Mauricio leaves me more and more confused. All I heard for the past two years is how Kyle so deeply insulted her integrity and — like you all saw on the last reunion — Mauricio was a user (in her opinion) and only befriended people who could give him real estate deals. (Which I believe is part of his job and the way he provides for his family.) Nobody ever spoke of this after the reunion, and I know for a fact that even when we all got back together this subject was never discussed."

She continues, "Lisa always seemed to be a great friend to Brandi, but when things got tough and not so pretty, I did see her distance herself overnight without any explanation or acknowledgment. She clearly decided to reposition herself within the group and therefore bring Kyle back in.  Kyle on the other hand always said that Lisa is like Bobby Fischer because she strategically manipulates every move. I wish she would have had the courage to use this perfect example to point that out to Lisa. Kyle should have drawn a line in the sand and demanded an apology for her husband and at least some sort of acknowledgement of what went down before accepting the invite for a joint birthday party…It is impossible to rebuild the foundation of a true friendship without that."

Back to the compliment/insult sandwich she's building, Yolanda shares, "Lisa is a beautiful, smart and witty lady, and I am not going to deny that I have always enjoyed her company. Somehow she intimidates the women in this group and they are therefore afraid to hold her accountable for her actions. I am having a hard time understanding why it’s so hard for Lisa to acknowledge her mistakes, because the truth is that we all make them everyday, including myself. When I forgot to put hearts on some of the namecards at my dinner party, I came around and acknowledged my rude mistake, even though I had not done it intentionally. Painting a heart on a little canvas for the three girls involved was my way of saying, 'I am sorry, I screwed up!' As the quote goes, trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair; but to have your feelings validated and acknowledged is at least a healthy place to start to rebuild a true and honest friendship."

After bashing Brandi's behavior (I can't say I blame her) in her opening, Yolanda lays on the charm, revealing, "It's unfortunate that you never get to see the serious side of Brandi in her favorite and most important role as a single mother of her young two sons. I really enjoyed watching her at work in the studio while shooting the cover of her new book and seeing her true commitment to be a financially independent woman that provides a wonderful life for her children and does nice things for her family at home; which you will get to see in the upcoming episodes."

Yolanda kindly concludes, "Sometimes it's so hard to comment on all these subjects because a lot of important details and facets of us women go unseen. Please remember that writing this blog is part of our commitment to the Bravo fans and is never meant to hurt anyone involved but — rather to share a perspective from our seven so different, but equally important, points of view."

Wow! She sounds so sweet…yet, so…not. I kind of like this feisty YoFo


[Photo Credit: Rodolfo Maritinez/WENN.com]