Teen Mom 2 Reunion Part 1 Recap: Check-Up With Leah And Kailyn


It's Dr. Drew time… I hope you stretched your eyeballs because they're about to be doing a lot of rolling. And if you're wearing false eyelashes because you want to look just like your favorite Teen Mom 2 star, I suggest you take them off for fear of injury during this reunion. 

The set this year is really something – don't you love the giant TM2 letters with glittering lights. Things begin with all four girls on stage. Jenelle Evans has been taking hair tips from Chelsea Houska (but Megan is her terrible hairsome clone!) – same color red, same teased style, other than that she looks very pretty and natural. Dr. Drew asks Jenelle how Jace is. She answers, "Ummmm… who? Oh yeah… ummm… oh he hasn't been paying rent so yeah!" 

Chelsea's eyelashes are a travesty. Mind you, this is her profession… Lord help South Dakota. 


Leah Calvert For Now has been letting Ali and Gracie do her makeup with Crayola markers. Her outfit looks like a costume. Her base skin color is Easy-Cheese. Clearly Dee Snyder from Twisted Sister was her inspiration. Perhaps she thought the reunion had a 90's hair band theme?

Kailyn Lowry was apparently the only girl on stage smart enough to not to let Chelsea touch her hair and makeup. Kail looks pretty. Natural, with just the right pop of color. 

Things start with Leah and she is almost immediately raiding the tissue box. All the crying is making big streaks in her makeup, but I don't want to be too harsh because as Leah explains the complications with Ali it's heartbreaking. She tries to maintain a realistic expectation for the future and encourage her. Ali is in school and loves it. Ali is still getting a wheelchair but it's a long process to go through insurance because it costs $20,000! 


As for Corey, Leah says he's come along way, but she fears he doesn't totally accept the realities of Ali's conditions. "Being in denial would crush him later on and he wouldn't have that strength for her," Leah believes.  

The real fear for Corey is that because of the rarity of Ali's conditions doctors admit they don't know what to expect! "I'm holding out faith and hope that it'll cure itself," he says. Corey – sweet Corey – says in his head Ali is perfect. Awww… Leah tries to be realistic. Ali doesn't understand what she has but a tearful Leah says she asks why she falls down all the time. 

There is a big focus on Leah and Corey's relationship today and how it affects their current marriages to other people. "Corey and I will always be good friends. We share kids together and that connection together, but that's all it is," Leah explains. She also emphasizes that she feels it's disrespectful to Jeremy to have any sort of friendship with Corey. Gee… Leah finally gets it! Now if only she could master subtle makeup.  

Leah also admits that being forced to maintain a relationship with Corey does upset Jeremy because in the past he has been pushed to the side so Leah and Corey can work things out. 

Miranda, Corey's wife, is very involved and helps Corey with the kids. "She thinks of them like they're her own," Corey reveals. Leah and Miranda don't talk, however, and Leah thinks Miranda doesn't want her to communicate with Corey. Corey explains, that like Jeremy, Miranda wants their communication to be strictly about the girls. Which duh… Corey doesn't blame either spouse for feeling threatened, "especially Jeremy." Poor Leah… all that attention-seeking sure does put her in a tough spot! Both Leah and Corey agree there are no lingering romantic feelings. 

I do have to commend these two – and their spouses – they display far more maturity than most much older adults I know in their ability to co-parent and put their children's needs first. It's really inspiring. Good for all of them. 


Next Leah and Jeremy's marriage is discussed – particularly Jeremy's job and the strain it puts on their relationship. 

Leah doesn't want Jeremy to stop his career, but she wants him to show her attention even when he's gone. Look Leah is needy – she'll do a lot for attention (case in point: that outfit!) but I don't think it's unreasonable to want to talk to your husband or skype with him when he's gone for five weeks and you're at home with the kids.

"What's more important: the almighty dollar or the family and the memories that you'll never get back?" Leah wonders. Jeremy admits he started "throwing the divorce word around" and is part of their communication problem. Leah smirks. Ugh. BaconSlap is brought up and Jeremy is remorseful – if only because he wasted a perfectly good piece of bacon. 

Surprisingly, Jeremy got a job closer to home and the couple is working on things. Leah says SHE also wants to get a job! Ummmm… who will be watching all these kids? Speaking of which, they both want one more child, but not immediately. The couple also sold their house and is preparing to move somewhere wheelchair accessible! Lots of changes. 

As for their marriage, they both maintain they're good now, but Leah still wants counseling because she admits SHE needs to get better at dealing with Jeremy's job. Is that… maturity and lack of selfishness I hear from Leah? I feel woozy and need to lie down. 


Next Kail takes the stage to talk new babies, weddings, marriages, and exes. "Marriage is not what I expected," Kail confesses. "It's a little bit harder than I thought it would be." And why does Kail find marriage difficult? Because she has to WORK WITH OTHERS and she can't just do whatever she wants to do. After less than a year of marriage she's already throwing the divorce word around. "The divorce word" the theme of this reunion! 

Kail and Javi have heated fights and she is evasive about how vitriolic they get. She tries to deny that things have gotten physical. When pressed Kail admits, "I've smacked him in the face." The day before the reunion was filmed. Seriously.


Kail claims it's not alllll her fault – they both want to be the boss, but unfortunately Javi has yet to realize that Kail is actually the boss. Get in line Javi!  And the reason she smacked him was because of Jo – he caused it by not bringing Isaac back on time. Kail is becoming a Lifetime movie starring Judith Light called Men Don't Tell. #FreeJavi 

Instead of feeling ashamed, Kail blames Dr. Drew for talking about it because she didn't want to. "Have you thought about getting treatment?" Dr. Drew wonders in pretty much his only insightful statement ever in the history of reality TV time. Hmmmmm… I see Kail and Javi on Couples Therapy next season! 

Javi comes out and like a good minion assumes the blames for Kail's outbursts. It's HIS fault because he gets "so heated" over the situation with Jo so he pushes Kail's buttons. Apparently the fact that Jo doesn't live up to his expectations infuriates Javi because he is so close to Isaac, which is very sweet. Also, Jo has given up one of his custody days. 

Dr. Drew asks Kail why she would be willing to sacrifice such a great husband and father-figure instead of deal with anger. Kail is full of excuses about how in the heat of the moment it'd be easier to leave Javi, yada, yada. Yeah – seek therapy! "In the big picture it's not the best thing for my boys. It's not the best thing for me either." I mean yeah… what would she do about benefits. And military money?!

Javi is very frustrated with Jo as a parent and how he takes advantage of Kail, who he feels is "too easy" on Jo. Case in point the custody transportation issues. "He's always taking the easy way out!" Javi says of Jo. Dr. Drew encourages Javi to confront Jo. 

Despite all of Kail and Javi's issues they seem to be strangely connected and in love. I'm, dare I say it, rooting for them. Hopefully they will get counseling and work through their issues for Lincoln and Isaac's sakes. 


When Jo comes out he says Kail is working to accept his relationship with Vee, and he feels Kail's decision to move negatively impacted things because of the distance. Kail complains that they can't co-parent, but she doesn't think Jo is a bad father. Oh how kind. Jo says he's more than willing to co-parent better and he doesn't feel they have communication issues. Javi and Kail obviously disagree. 

Javi is pissed about the comment Jo made to Kail this season about hoping her water breaks. Javi says a lot needs change before he will forge a relationship with Jo. Jo apologizes for the comment, but Javi insinuates off-camera Jo won't be so sincere. Yikes! Javi does not seem convinced that co-parenting will work out. 

And that's it. Next week Jenelle and her drama are the focal point followed by Chelsea's issues with Adam Lind

[Photo Credits: MTV]