Tamra Judge Opens Up About Custody Issues And What’s To Come On RHOC

Real Housewives of Orange County premiere

Tamra Judge — formerly Barney — has never been one to shy away from the spotlight. Whether it is the status of her up-and-down relationship with bestie Vicki Gunvalson (above on their way to Hawaii), opening her new gym, C.U.T. Fitness, or her recent custody issues with her ex-husband, Tamra has always been an open book.

So it didn't surprise me at all that she was willing to open up completely in a new interview with All Things Real Housewives. Along with giving us status updates on her friendships and new business, she also let slip a few spoilers — her fight with Heather Dubrow does not last — on what is coming up this season on The Real Housewives of Orange County.


Tamra Judge is looking better than ever on season 9 and the secret may be, C.U.T Fitness which she opened with her husband, Eddie. As far as her favorite class is concerned, Tamra explains to All Things Real Housewives, “I am really into high intensity interval training. We offer several, but the one I take is called GRIT. It has transformed my body completely. I usually don’t stop there, I often need a break from my desk and jump in a BODYPUMP class or Eddie’s cycling class. I mix up my workouts.”

As for owning a business, Tamra admits that it is harder than she thought it would be, “It has been challenging and rewarding, I had no idea how hard it is to build and run your own business. I have so much more respect for Vicki. It takes a lot of energy to run a business, kids, household, and film a reality show. There has definitely been days that I would like to give up. The rewarding part is being able to help others. We have a great group of members at our studio that keep us going.”

Tamra also admitted to bonding with Shannon Beador, one of two new housewives this season,"I bonded with her immediately and got closer to her quicker than any other housewife. Then it all changed after one email…" Spoiler Alert! Sounds like things do not go well for these two new friends.

File this one under shocking — Tamra also seems to have weakened her stance on Vicki and Brooks, admitting to speaking with Brooks in depth and that he didn't come off the way he thought that he was going to.

Tamra Judge has also been all over the headlines recently with her ex-husband pushing for full custody and making horrible allegations regarding her mothering skills. “It has been the hardest thing I have ever gone through in my life. As a mother your children are your world and you don’t want anyone threatening to take that away from you. He has NO foundation to his allegations and I know it will all work out. By making this public and blasting it in the press the day that RHOC premiered shows his character. Read my bravo blog for more info.”

Agreed! Simon always seemed to love the spotlight and no one deserves to be humiliated on a national level.


[photo credit: Bravo]