As the Giudices are less than a month away from their sentencing hearings both are embracing denial in a different way. For Joe Giudice he is using his precious time to party and possibly cheat!
It's all but certain that Joe will serve jail time related to their 2013 fraud indictment and instead of staying home to cherish the moments, he's out on the town and "ignoring" his family. And Teresa Giudice is not happy! You know what they say: psychotic wife, unhappy life!
“Teresa feels like Joe should be spending every minute that he can with her and their four girls, but he’s still doing his own thing, doing stuff with the guys and she’s getting really frustrated,” a source confided to Radar Online. "She doesn’t understand why he can’t just stay home with their girls and with her. She wants to know why he’s ignoring them." Well, would you want to spend time with Teresa?
Adding to her frustrations, Teresa is incredibly frightened about losing Joe and what this means for her family.
“Teresa expects that Joe will get sent to jail and be locked up for a long time and she’s terrified of what she’ll do when that happens,” the source added. “She knows that they just have DAYS left with Joe and the fact that he wants to spend time away from her and the girls is heartbreaking for Teresa.”
Perhaps there's truth to the rumor that Teresa is disgusted with Joe's negligence. This Sunday she tweeted a shout-out to her father, but made no mention of Joe – not a Happy Father's Day, not an "I love you", no photos – nothing. Which is so unusual for Teresa who loves to broadcast her love for Joe and pretend they have the happiest marriage in the world.
"All grown up but I will always be Daddy's Little Girl!!!!!! Happy Father's Day!" Teresa instagrammed.
Interesting, interesting…
While Teresa is fully preparing for Joe to go "away" she's already planning what she'll do as a free woman! While Teresa has been keeping a very low profile until her sentencing on July 8th, after that's over it's business as usual and she fully plans to attend the Real Housewives of New Jersey premiere party on July 13th! And she's even planning a Fabellini event!
"@Fabellini will be flowing at our premier party July 13 with [Dina Manzo], [Melissa Gorga], [Amber Marchese] and myself details coming soon.XOXO," Teresa tweeted. Details like rescheduling because the hostess is in prison?
According to In Touch Weekly, Teresa is so "confident" she won't be going to jail she's planning events for her wine and other projects. “I guarantee she feels like she is probably going to get off," a source reveals. “Teresa has been hoping that she will get off totally or will only get house arrest and it seems like she’s trying to convince everyone that is what is happening."
Well, well… we'll see. Do we need a 'Free Tre' countdown?
[Photo Credits: Instagram]