Ridiculous Rumor Roundup: Teresa Giudice Is Pregnant, Divorcing Joe Giudice, And Desperate To Stay On RHONJ To Redeem Herself!

Teresa Giudice Is Confused

As you all know today, October 2nd, marks the momentous day in our Reality Television History when Teresa Giudice and Joe Giudice will stand before a judge to receive their sentences. Teresa pled guilty to 4 counts of fraud and Joe pled guilty to 5 counts. Teresa faces up to 27 months in prison. 

In light of the situation, and everyone trying to get a bite of the action, there are a TON of ridiculous rumors out there about the Real Housewives Of New Jersey stars’ futures. Personally I think they should just volunteer to be on the first human Mars colony in lieu of jail time. 

Below we break down all the silliest stories we’ve heard. And guess what – in almost every single one of them Teresa is getting divorced! 


Rumor One: Finally A Boy For The Giudices! Teresa is pregnant and using the baby to get out of jail time. 

According to multiple sources Teresa has a bun in the oven in an attempt to convince a judge that she deserves house arrest instead of jail time. And Joe is the one who pushed her to expand their family because with the death of his father he’s desperate for a son to carry on the Giudice name. As you know from this week’s episode there are ELEVEN Giudice granddaughters and no sons. 

TRUE OR FALSE? False! Melissa was on WWHL last week and said “No” Teresa is not pregnant. Also, I’m pretty sure either Teresa or Juicy has been snipped. Furthermore, Teresa’s crisis PR manager confirmed to Us Weekly there is “NO truth to the rumor.” Adding, “Teresa does not know if she is going to prison and would not have [a] baby, nor would anybody, under the circumstances described.”

As for photos that prove a so-called baby bump, maybe the girl is just stress-eating and ultra-bloated?

Rumor Two: Teresa And Joe Are Divorcing! 

Oh lawd – the Teresa and Juicy divorcing story is a tale as old as time. First the couple was divorcing before their sentencing because Teresa blames Joe for everything and can’t stand that he destroyed their family. But now they’re divorcing AFTER sentencing because Teresa thinks Joe is to blame for everything and no longer has to protect him. 

TRUE OR FALSE? False! Look – Juicy and Tre ain’t going nowhere – no matter how much jail time Juicy serves! In fact Teresa denounced the rumors herself. 

“No matter what, Joe and I will always stick by each other,” Teresa stated to Yahoo! Insider. “If anything through this whole thing, it’s brought us definitely closer. People can report what they want in magazines but we know the truth.”

Rumor Three: Teresa Is Fired From RHONJ If She Doesn’t Divorce Joe

Yay! More divorce rumors! In this one, some mysterious prophet (Dina’s psychic!?) knows for a fact that Teresa will avoid jail time, but  Juicy will be going “away.” And the powers-that-be at Bravo are demanding that Teresa divorce Juicy if she wants to stay on the show! 

In Touch reported that Teresa had her lawyer draw up divorce papers so she can “rebuild her image” and get sympathy “as a victim” from viewers who apparently think Teresa was bamboozled by Joe into breaking the law. Uh Huh. Oh – and even better Bravo thinks RHONJ S7 ratings will skyrocket with a storyline of Teresa starting her life over without Joe! SPINOFF TIME! HOLLA!

Rumor Four: Teresa’s Lawyers Are Mad At Her For Shopping; Demanding She Quit RHONJ And Twitter!

Hey this is a rumor I might actually believe! Teresa was spotted on a recent RHONJ episode carrying a $2,000 Valentino “Rockstud” bag (are we sure it isn’t a fake?) while house hunting and her attorneys are irate that she would flaunt wealth on TV days after her bankruptcy ruling came out and before she is to go before a judge where she and Joe will be hit with restitution fines. 

“After reading the report of Teresa carrying such a high priced designer bag, her lawyers were furious. It just looks bad after coming out of her bankruptcy drama. Teresa told her attorneys that the producers asked her to carry the designer handbag, and she felt obligated,” repots Radar Online. As a result Teresa’s Crisis PR Team and lawyers are demanding she go on “lock down mode” and quit all social media. 

TRUE OR FALSE: False! Well Teresa has been on twitter and doing appearances for her Fabellini wine and other products, so…. As for the bag, apparently it was a loan. 

Rumor Five: Joe Is Being Deported And Teresa Is Saying “Arrivederci!” To Her Marriage! 

Yeah, yeah – Juicy isn’t a citizen and faces deportation after he does his time (that’s all true) but now it’s a certain thing that Joe is being shipped back to Italy. “There was hope he could avoid being deported on a technicality, but immigration officials are ready to begin the proceedings,” a source told Radar Online. 

And once he is deported, Teresa is filing for divorce. OF COURSE, because she doesn’t want to live in Italy even if Milania was conceived there! “Teresa absolutely won’t be moving to Italy with Joe if he does get deported. Her life is with her girls in the United States. The kids don’t speak Italian. How will the marriage survive is anyone’s guess at this point.”

TRUE OR FALSE? Probably False! See above regarding Giudice Divorces. I mean Teresa is pretty dumb, but Gia is smart enough to use Rosetta Stone, so yeah, not buying this one either! 

Rumor Six: Teresa And Juicy Throw A Pre-Prison Bash! 

This weekend Joe and Teresa spent their remaining $5 on a “Stay Strong” party at a club NJ. Of course they weren’t allowed to post any evidence on social media. But it happened – there were witnesses! Just like aliens have touched down in my backyard… 

Apparently they ate cake with friends and family as the celebrated “their last days of freedom.”  

TRUE OF FALSE? Hey – who knows? If I thought I was going to jail, I’d certainly go all out beforehand. However, although Teresa and Joe are being sentenced tomorrow, they likely won’t be taken to prison right away. In non-violent cases such as this the defendants are generally given a “report” date where they turn themselves in to start prison. See: Nida, Apollo

Rumor Seven: Teresa Is Pissed At Bravo For Not Being Sympathetic And Threatens To Join A Different Reality Show! 

So Teresa is quitting RHONJ in retaliation because Bravo is pissed at her for tarnishing the show’s image by breaking the law. But – oh! oh! – Teresa is mutually pissed at Bravo for using her legal drama for story line, but then not being supportive enough. 

“Since the blood is already bad Teresa Giudice is putting her own spin on it and claims that she is being treated badly by the network that once doted on her,” claims Celeb Dirty Laundry. “She’s also teasing that maybe she’ll be on another show instead of The Real Housewives of New Jersey next season. 

TRUE OR FALSE: False! First of all, Teresa has been given an extremely sympathetic edit this season as Bravo has pretty exempted her from all drama during filming – even skipping the cast trip (reportedly they chose Florida because Teresa and Joe can’t leave the country presently).

It’s clear RHONJ doesn’t intend to can Teresa if she manages to avoid jail time, but instead are allowing her (and Melissa!) to repair their images this season. It’s been a longtime rumor that if Teresa doesn’t go to prison time she’s getting a spinoff about life without Joe

Furthermore, Teresa has announced that she’s on hiatus from blogging until the sentencing, so I’m guessing if she and Bravo are really so pissed at each other that wouldn’t be happening. Say whatever you want about Teresa, but she brings Bravo a lot of attention! And of course now everyone is tuning in to see how things will work out between her, Jacqueline Laurita, and Dina Manzo. Or maybe they just really want to watch Hurricane Jim in action?

Well, that about breaks down the most ridiculous TreJui rumors I’ve heard so far.

Remember – although these rumors are all in fun and Teresa and Joe deserve all the heat we can throw at them, at the core this is a serious matter and unfortunately their four beautiful daughters will be profoundly affected by their parents’ bad choices. 

 In other news – Teresa and Joe’s sentencing will be at 10a.m. today! 

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[Photo Credit: Bravo]