Judge Rejects Teresa Giudice’s Bid To Serve Sentence In A Halfway House; Going To Danbury!

teresa giudice and joe giudice sentencing

Teresa Giudice was pulling out all the last-minute stops to get out of her impending 15 month fraud sentence, including having her new attorney petition the judge to let her serve 12 months of her sentence in a halfway house. But today a judge said No way – you did the crime, now you do the time!

The prosecution immediately opposed the Real Housewives Of New Jersey star’s petition and Judge Esther Salas agreed. She told Teresa she will not recommend that she serve the bulk of her sentence in anything less than a prison.

Her main reason is, like with everything else, Teresa’s disorganization shot her in the foot! The judge told Teresa that she and her former defense attorneys (the ones Teresa implied didn’t do their jobs) should have made that request at her October 2nd sentencing instead of weeks later by letter. Of course. at that time, Teresa believed she wouldn’t do time. Oops. 


Teresa’s new attorney Stacy Ann Biancamano said Teresa would have requested the halfway house at sentencing had she known it was an option. “She really wasn’t fully understanding of how the sentencing process works,” her attorney insisted. Um… once again Tre: ask questions, learn to read carefully, look things up you don’t understand – you know 3rd grade reading comprehension! #DUH #WTFTeresa

The judge basically said it wouldn’t have mattered, however, given Teresa’s shoddy pre-sentencing financials says the Associated Press. Double Oops! “I have set forth rather specifically and explicitly the reasoning for the sentence that I provided and I don’t think anything has changed since Oct. 2. The only thing that has changed is counsel,” the judge said. 

On the bright side, the judge did tell Teresa that she will most certainly be going to a minimum security prison camp in Danbury instead of a more restrictive detention center – or the other closest women’s prison camp located in Alderson, WV, which is where Martha Stewart served her sentence. 

Danbury, while still far from Teresa’s home in NJ, is much closer than WV, although I hear WV is a much nicer facility. Teresa had requested that location so she could be closer to family. The judge and Bureau of Prisons (BOP) ultimately agreed that was fine. Teresa is still to report on January  5th. 

Danbury is also where Orange Is The New Black takes place and where the real-life Piper served her 15 month sentence.

[Photo Credit: TNYF/WENN.com]