Tori Spelling Cries Over The Thought Of Living Modestly: “My Dad Wouldn’t Have Wanted This”

Tori Spelling

A stressed Tori Spelling broke down in tears on True Tori last night. Well, err, she covered her face and whined obnoxiously when she felt pressured to sell a warehouse full of her stuff to make money. And it is out with the old storyline, cheating husband, and in with the new storyline, financial crisis.

Tori is a hoarder, but she doesn’t want to sell anything <boohoohoo> because her dad would not have wanted her <boohoohoo> to live modestly.

When Dean McDermott asked why she’s so against selling the stuff, Tori said, “It’s a life I built. It’s a life I worked really hard for. Everyone mocked me… they thought my dad gave me everything. They gave me nothing. I worked so hard for all of that. It’s MY stuff. At 41 years old, I don’t want to think I have to sell off everything to start over. My dad would not have wanted this.”


Her parents gave her nothing? May I please have some nothing in the form of $800,000 and a house in Malibu?

Tori claimed her dad, Aaron Spelling, left her only $800,000 when he died in 2006. Candy Spelling insisted it was more than that, but Tori didn’t manage it well and cried foul when it was gone. Candy recently said Tori regularly drops $50-60,000 in stores. After seeing the contents of that warehouse, I believe it.

In the clip below, Tori said, “I just feel responsible, so responsible, for so many people, and I can’t do it. The responsibility of having to take care of so many people financially. And the fear of that? It doesn’t matter. People, they look at me, and they’re like, ‘Oh, poor you. Boohoo. You have so many problems.'”

Tori continued, “We live paycheck to paycheck. After this, I have no f–king idea if work’s going to come in. And look at the life we’re leading. We pay for five f–king private schools.” Huh? Five? Dean and Tori have four kids!

When Dean suggested they change their lifestyle, Tori wailed, “But why should we have to? My dad wouldn’t have wanted this. I’m just so mad. He worked so f–king hard. I don’t want to struggle. I don’t want to change our lifestyle. That’s why I work so hard. I don’t want to change.”

Oh. Please. Lifetime needs to change the name of this show to Poor Tori… it’s nothing but an endless loop of an entitled brat looking for a pity party.


Photo Credit: Lifetime