Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles Recap: Farewell to Edith

Edith Flagg

Since the season opener of Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles, we have anticipated the passing of Josh Flagg’s beloved grandmother, Edith.   Pass the hanky…that episode has finally come. No more chats in her deluxe apartment in the sky. No more lunches at La Dolce Vita. No more pearls of wisdom to pass along. This woman who endeared herself to us and showed us the softer side of Josh, may be gone from this life, but she is certainly not forgotten.   Edith is in our hearts forever.

But before we turn on the waterworks, we must first endure another installment of ‘Will the Brits pull off another impossible deal?’ and ‘The Days of Our Un-Engaged Lives’ with Josh Altman and Heather. James Harris and David Parnes have ramped up the yip yap factor this week to an eleven (Spinal Tap, anyone?) and Josh seems to be back to his old self swimming with fellow shark, Daymond John, founder and CEO of FUBU, and investor on the reality television series Shark Tank.

This week we learn that David has a new home under construction up in the hills. He is joined there by his inseparable BFF James together with his beloved Bassett Hounds, Maxi and Bella, and his girlfriend of six months, Adrian, who he says he can see marrying someday.   While she seems lovely, I could see him marrying his pooches before he marries her. David reminds me of a pre-Amal George Clooney with his pot-bellied pig. A confirmed bachelor. While James is admiring the view, he excitedly informs David that ‘dream developer’ Oren has finally returned his call. He is another client that they have apparently been stalking. Oren develops properties in the $3.5m – $7m range.   The boys would like to tag team him onto their roster.

Josh Altman has returned home after a jog to find that Heather is almost finished cancelling all of their wedding reservations. He seems more interested in his upcoming meeting with his client, Daymond. If you recall on last week’s episode, he mentioned that he had a couple more deals to button up and then he would be all hers.   Heather seems to be so over it now and can barely show any encouragement for her man.   She doesn’t know who Daymond is and she doesn’t seem to care. I’ve never seen Heather so apathetic. To quote another Bravo blonde, ‘her love tank is empty’.


Josh moves forward with his meeting as he is most comfortable at work than at home right now. Daymond, looking LA cool, is seeking a creative and inexpensive commercial space to lease and house all his Shark Tank businesses. Josh takes him to a funky space in the transitional downtown Arts District area. Broker Jay says this neighborhood is what Brooklyn was ten years ago. The 28,000 sq. ft. warehouse with exposed brick and trestles is a steal at $30k/mo. At least compared to New York prices. Plus, it comes with eight parking spaces!   Josh shows Daymond another property over in Culver City. This 30,000 sq. ft. space is close to Sony Studios where his show is taped, but it lacks that creative vibe.

The Brits meet with ‘dream developer’ Oren and his wife, Stephanie, at their fabulous home. Right out the gate, James asks ‘how do we do business with you?’ and then immediately proposes that they sell their home while the market is hot.   That was all kinds of crazy even for him! While Oren seemed to be intrigued when they mention $11m, Stephanie was not having it and I don’t blame her. The 6500 sq. ft. home was gorge with a motorized door opening the kitchen to the outdoor space complete with pool and fire pit – to die for! But in the blink of an eye, the couple are on board with selling their dream home. The catch – they want $12.995m firm. $2m over comps in the neighborhood! I would say good luck boys, but I know the formula now and you can’t fool me anymore. I know they will make it happen.

Josh Flagg is still having no luck selling the pink marble palace down in Redondo Beach. He’s enlisted heavy hitting developers, Greg, Robert & Taylor, to have a look. They estimate that a $1m – $2m renovation would bring in a nifty profit. Josh just needs that one buyer to take that leap of faith. He heads back to his office only to find that no one is there — because it’s Saturday! Assistant Hilary has the keys to his office so he plops himself down at her desk and starts making calls. Anything to keep himself busy. It turns out that Agent Danielle has a client that wants to make a deal. Even in his state of mind, Josh stands firm and gets her up to the full asking price. Impressive! Although they do strike a deal, it falls through in escrow. In the meantime, he has picked up another listing.

Josh meets with his new client, Grazyna, at her lovely Beverly Hills home. She is a former actress and model who now runs the Polish Film Festival in Los Angeles. Grazyna tells Josh that she needs to move from her 4000 sq. ft. home with a pool and waterfall because there are too many steps and levels for her husband to navigate since he has gotten sick. He completely understands. Grazyna is also a friend of Edith’s and asks Josh how she is doing since she hasn’t seen her in a while. He tells her that his grandmother fell and broke her hip and then got pneumonia. Her final days are approaching. Spunky Grazyna can sense Josh’s sadness and has kind words to put things in perspective for him – she was 95 years old and lived a great life! She reminds me of my late babci. I’m glad Josh will make her a nice profit. She purchased the home over twenty years ago for $1m, which they agree to list for $5.5m.

Our favorite sidekick, Mikey, shows up in Josh’s office after a brokers open. I almost didn’t recognize him as he has taken the playoff beard to a whole new level! Poor Mikey has to listen to Josh drone on about his relationship woes and the stress of therapy, but says that he is there for Josh if he needs anything. I hope to see more of Mikey and less relationship drama if there is another season of MDLLA.

Daymond pays a visit to Josh’s office to discuss the two commercial properties. Sitting behind Josh’s desk, in Josh’s chair, he tells him that he is interested in the Culver City space. To buy. His offer is strong. $7.5m all cash with a 5-day inspection and 5-day close. This doesn’t sit well with Josh. He would prefer to show him more properties since it may now be a purchase. Daymond, who ‘has been sharking before Josh was in pampers’ appreciates that Josh values their relationship over money. His associate, Jared, will work with Josh over the next few months and then they will revisit their options.

After the brokers open, James and David meet with Oren and his wife at dinner to discuss an offer. Agent Brian has a client from Boston willing to spend $12.495m. Of course, that does not fly. He counters with $12.7m. Still not going to happen. Okay, we give up…you can have your stinking full asking price. James held firm and now the Brits have filled a spot on their client roster with ‘dream developer’ Oren. I was hoping to see more of the dreamy restaurant since the outcome was inevitable.


With five minutes left to go in the episode, we see that Josh Flagg is in private showings of Grazyna’s estate when he gets the dreaded phone call. Yes, that one. Edith’s nurse urges Josh to ‘Come quick. Come see your grandmother. I’m trying to keep her awake’. Josh speeds away in his car and we don’t see him until after the sun has set. He has spent the entire night by Edith’s side and is now home in bed being comforted by Colton. There is a montage of photos and video while an emotional Josh pays homage to his best friend. ‘She gave me everything. From the Holocaust to starting over in America with just $2 in her pocket, she has given to so many people and charities. I will try to live up to her legacy. I hope that I was as good to her as she was to me.’ Yes, Josh…you were. RIP Edith.

If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.

– A. A. Milne (Winnie-The-Pooh)

Recap Author: Maura K.

Photo Credit: Bravo TV