Are my eyes deceiving me?!? Has Amber Marchese written her shortest Real Housewives of New Jersey blog of the season? Yes, I think she has. Thank you, Jesus! In the blog, Amber schooled us about what happens at a reunion, questioned whether or not Dina Manzo has a heart, defended her use of “The Cancer” ad nauseam, and sided with Jacqueline Laurita in the messy Laurita/ Manzo family feud.
“Hello Housewife friends,” exclaimed Amber. “Welcome to the jungle baby! My first reunion was a wild ride. Call me sick and twisted, but I had an unbelievable time at the reunion when most, I have been warned, dread it. I felt like it was ‘The Great Purge’ and when I went home I felt relieved of any built up tension. I don’t care if anyone has a grudge against me, my slate is clean and I harbor no ill feelings towards anyone. I love to argue my point, and I truly stood by all of my convictions this season, so I was ready to say exactly what was on my mind, and then some.”
About a reunion show in general, Amber explained, “It is an opportunity to get it all out and potentially understand one another’s position better. Then we can each make our own decisions as to where we want to go with our relationships. I am very much the type of person that can say some of the meanest things and sling mud, but hug it out at the end forgetting anything negative that was said. It just rolls off my back. I actually think it is healthier to say what needs to be said, and then move on.”
Amber forgets anything negative? Since when? She moves on? Since when? She picked apart every. single. word. and every. single. confrontation. in every. single. blog. all season long. Delusional, table for one.
One person who Amber hasn’t yet “rolled off” is Dina. “One thing I did question after the reunion was if Dina actually has a heart or if I should start calling her the Tin Man. I actually have not figured her out yet. Is she really just a coldhearted bitch, or has she been hurt so many times that she has become warped and jaded.”
In response to the snide comments about The Cancer, Amber shared, “I feel I don’t owe anyone any reason as to why I call cancer ‘the cancer,’ but I will give it once more anyhow. ‘The cancer’ is ‘the monster’ to me. It is a way for me to take away its power and to minimize it. ‘It’ destroys lives, so ‘it’ does not deserve a name. It is just ‘the cancer’ – it was ‘the monster’ or ‘the dragon.’ Although Dina claims to have an understanding of how devastating cancer is to a family, her actions and blatant lack of empathy proves otherwise.”
Amber, of course, has sided with Jacqueline when it comes to the family feud between Jaq and Dina. “I did not think it was appropriate for me to interject into family quarrels at the reunion; however, this is something that I feel strongly about. I have met Jaqueline and I have spoken to her on many occasions. In the very short time that I have gotten to know Jaqueline, I know and have empathy with the struggles she has caring for Nicholas.”
“I felt that Dina’s interpretation of her nephew was callous and completely out of touch with reality. The only thing that keeps playing in my mind is, ‘You know nothing John Snow.’ No, thank God, he is not hooked up to machines with cancer; however, what the Laurita family goes through is extremely difficult on a day to day basis that will continue on for a lifetime. It is emotionally and financially devastating. Although, Dina ‘visits’ children with cancer, at the end of her visit she gets to go home, leaving it behind, and goes on with her daily life. Since Dina does work with children with cancer, I pray that she can abstain from a self-absorbed lifestyle and become a loving, involved aunt.”
I agree that Dina comes across as cold and callous. But, really, how much of Amber‘s animosity towards Dina is truly about Nicholas? Something tells me not as much as she wants us to believe. She most certainly has not moved on from everything negative that has happened this season.
Part two of the Real Housewives of New Jersey reunion airs tonight. Will Teresa Giudice hightail it to the bathroom again? Fun times! Will bathroom squatter Bobby Ciassuli keep her company? Let’s just hope if Teresa does go to the bathroom she finds at least a quarter this time. She has pills to pay! The men take the stage tonight. Reality Tea will be live-tweeting The Drama that is The Jim. Join us.
Photo Credit: Bravo