Shahs of Sunset Star Reza Farahan Calls NeNe Leakes A Moose; Calls The Show Haters Stupid

Reza Farahan at the Huffington Post

The Shahs of Sunset cast members are making the press rounds this week.  Reza Farahan stopped by The Commission Show on PNC Radio to dish on the new season and more.  He slams NeNe Leakes and throws shade at Andy Cohen “since he’s not my boss anymore.” 

On landing the show and using the platform for good.  They want to know if he holds back certain things or if the show is the “real him”.    “I didn’t think anything of it, I didn’t know if it would go anywhere or not.”   He says that even if he would only have the platform for two minutes, he wanted to address homophobia in the Middle Eastern culture because he had friends that committed suicide when he was growing up. “I thought if I could impact someone’s life, that would be great.”  

On the Persians who were outraged at the show, “for the Persian community that doesn’t like our show and think we’re misrepresenting it, they’re stupid! There aren’t any six Persians or Iranians that can represent a population. We’re not a mother-f*****g National Geographic show.  It’s a reality show on Bravo, it’s about fun. I’ve been in this country for over thirty years.  The only representation we’ve had were terrorists in the movies.  So now people watch the show and are like ‘oh my god, Iranians don’t want to blow everything up.  they’re like us, about family and good times.'”  He shares that he’s appreciative to be in this country because if he wasn’t he’d be dead or suicidal.  

He then talks about mike having a friendly penis this season.  I’ll spare you the details and let you listen to that for yourself.  I’m generous like that.

Reza talks crap about Asifa and then says that Mike is caught up in the “glitz” of Shahs of Sunset. Reza reminds us that he’s been there with Mike through a lot of crazy and dirty things long before the show. 

On whether he still works a day job, “this platform is a gift and can go away at any moment and if you want to keep wearing the watches like I do, you gotta have a job. I go to the office every day.”  

When asked if Bravo ever puts him in a position where he is asked to do something he doesn’t want to do.  “There’s no one that can get me to do something I don’t want to do.  It’s me 24/7, the good, the bad, the ugly.”  

When was the last time you thought about being single? “On a daily basis.”

Who is the most annoying reality star on Bravo?  “NeNe Leakes, she’s a moose, I can’t stand the bitch.”

Favorite show on bravo?  “I should say watch what happens live, but I’m not. ‘Cuz he’s not my boss anymore.  I love the Real Housewives franchises.  New York is my favorite because my girl Bethenny is back.  Did I mention NeNe’s a moose?” 

If he had to kick someone off the show?  “Asifa because she’s the one I’m least connected to.”

You can hear the whole interview on PNC


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