Lisa Vanderpump Awarded ‘Woman of the Year’ From CA State Assembly


Throw her to the wolves and she’ll return as Woman of the Year! The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Lisa Vanderpump was honored with title of Woman of the Year by the California State Assembly for her “dedication to the business community,” according to RumorFix. Her business dedication credentials? Owning three local restaurants suffices, I guess. Oh – and being the reigning queen of reality TV! 

As part of Women’s History Month, Assemblyman Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica) awarded Lisa with an “official Resolution” (looks like a run of the mill plaque, but what do I know?).

Bloom said, “Ms. Vanderpump eloquently presents the intelligence, courage, and compassion we all look for in a leader and role model.” Assemblyman Bloom then took the opportunity to tweet a bunch of photos from his account looking like Lisa’s #1 Fanboy. #politicsmeetsrealityroyalty

Yesterday, Lisa tweeted, “Leaving Sacramento, going home, in awe of some of the women honored here today at State assembly. Women standing up for what they believe in.”

Sharing photos of herself above at the governor’s desk, Lisa also tweeted, “@JerryBrownGov : “I am in your seat .. Where are you?”

Though she might not be the governor of  California (yet), we can all look forward to her ruling with an iron fist on the continuation of the Vanderpump Rules reunion. And the Brandi-slap heard round the world that’s been teased all season is about to make its debut on RHOBH tonight.

Woman of the Year or not, Lisa is HBIC in any circle she deigns to enter. All hail the queen! 


[Photo Credit: Twitter]

EDITOR NOTE: Please help us welcome ERIN to the Reality Tea team!  She has been writing recaps for Little Women L.A., Game of Crowns and My Five Wives.  She’ll now be helping us out with reality TV news, too!  🙂