Meet The Cast Of Secrets And Wives – Photos, Trailer, And Poll

Secrets and Wives cast

Are you looking for something new, exciting, and original to watch? Yes, me too, so if you hear of anything let me know. In the meantime, can I interest you in Bravo‘s newest summer show Secrets and Wives? Think Real Housewives meets Princesses Long Island.

Secrets and Wives features a well-to-do group of long-time friends from Long Island. Bravo shares, “Navigating the pitfalls of marriage and divorce, these six women – Liza Sandler, Amy Miller, Gail Greenberg, Susan Doneson, Cori Goldfarb, and Andi Black – are all going through the process of reinventing themselves under the microscope of family, friends, and exes. Throughout the season, this sisterhood of friends will come together and take on some of life’s biggest challenges. From second or third divorces, new marriages, searching for love, and adjusting to an empty nest, every conflict is fraught with decades of real baggage. Years of memories are amongst this group of women, but can they come together for the moments that truly matter the most?”

Read the cast bios and watch the trailer below. Secrets and Wives premieres Tuesday, June 2 at 10P ET/PT on Bravo. I’m curious to see if these women are just as messy (in the very best way possible) as Princesses Long Island, so I will check it out. I can’t help myself. 




Bio Credit: Bravo  Photo Credit: Mathieu Young/Bravo