Basketball Wives: LA started the Miami crossover last night, introducing show creator Shaunie O’Neal. She’s already picking sides and diving into pettiness, which isn’t shocking in the least. When we last left the ladies, Malaysia Pargo and Doug Christie were meeting with a binocular wearing interloper spying from across the street. Reality is so real, y’all!
After Jackie Christie allows her husband to meet with Malaysia, she’s teeming with jealousy, even though Doug promises there is no reason for her insecurities. Doug compliments Malaysia as a person, and Jackie wants to know every single detail of their sit-down. Not wanting to cause too much of scene, Jackie decides to meet with the OG basketball wife Shaunie. Having jumped from the Miami franchise, Shaunie is one nip-slip away from a modesty bar with her latest outfit. The women discuss Jackie’s recent issues with Malaysia, and Shaunie revels in living it up on the cusp of her fortieth birthday. It pains me to be the same age as Shaunie. Jackie dishes on Doug’s latest sex drive, and admittedly, I tune out for a bit.
After all of the drama, Malaysia has finally agreed to meet with Jackie, and the women are sitting down together over lunch, Malaysia questions Jackie’s attire, and she claims to be channeling her inner Katherine Hepburn. Jackie wonders why Malaysia is so upset with her, and Malaysia reminds her that she threatened to shoot Malaysia in the head with a 9mm after Malaysia had just shared that her brother was shot three times in the head and killed. Why is it so hard for Jackie to understand why Malaysia doesn’t like her? Jackie is on the defensive, but she apologizes for her statements. She has never let another woman sit down with Doug and that should prove that she wants to continue her friendship with Malaysia. Jackie cites her love for Malaysia and offers up some flowers. Malaysia wonders why they have to keep breaking up like they are in a toxic dating relationship. Jackie wants to move forward without all the outside influence from their co-stars, but Malaysia can’t think Jackie does anything but ply mind games. When Malaysia leaves without taking the flowers, Jackie follows her out in tears, crying that her mother wanted them to mend fences. Malaysia offers a hug. She promises to work on their friendship because she can’t hold a grudge.
The following day, Shaunie and Malaysia are getting pedicures and discussing Shaunie’s latest podcast. Malaysia feels fortunate to have Shaunie to talk to as she goes through her divorce, and she recaps her previous meeting with Jackie. Shaunie knows that Jackie is sincere in wanting to fix their issues, and Malaysia responds that she is fine taking things one day at a time. She still doesn’t trust Jackie as far as she can throw her.
Jackie has planned a girls’ night in to celebrate Shaunie’s birthday. The ladies are spa-ing and snacking, and the only woman missing is Mehgan Barnes. Shaunie wonders who this Mehgan person is, and the majority of the women are hesitant to offer a warm welcome. Patrice Curry doesn’t acknowledge her. Jackie suggests that each woman go around the room and share a little about themselves. Jackie touts that she is misunderstood, and Mehgan follows, stating she doesn’t like liars. Shaunie stirs the pot, asking to whom she’s referring. Well, duh! Patrice! Mehgan accuses Patrice of being cold and hateful, and Draya Michele interjects to say that Mehgan has lied about her friendship with Jackie. Mehgan can’t be bothered with Draya’s old, jealous self.
Patrice comes back at Mehgan, and Brandi Maxiell interrupts to say that with this group of ladies, you just have to get out your beef and move forward. Malaysia tells Mehgan that she can’t bring back this anger the next time the women are all together and she asks how she got into this group. Jackie claims that Mehgan is like a little sister to her, yet Mehgan has told Draya and Brandi that she barely knows her. A tearful Jackie believes that Mehgan’s recent antics make her look like a lunatic. She’s told everyone that she and Mehgan are great friends, yet Mehgan pretends that she has no clue about Jackie. Draya wonders why Jackie doesn’t direct her sadness at Mehgan, but Jackie refuses to look at her.
The following day, Jackie takes Draya to preview her new cognac commercial. She knows Draya will be brutally honest. The women both love the commercial, except for Mehgan’s super voluptuous figure. Draya than defines what a FUPA is to Jackie. I won’t write it here, of course. After that debacle of a spa celebration, Jackie hopes to get to the bottom of her “misunderstanding” with Mehgan. Mehgan has rehearsed her apology and Jackie is talking faster than I’ve ever seen. She thinks that Mehgan denied their friendship in an effort to make friends with the women who aren’t being very nice to her. Mehgan feels that Jackie’s anger is misplaced. Jackie casually mentions that she wants Mehgan to come to screening of the commercial, and she says that Draya has some constructive criticism of the outtake. Mehgan is offended that Draya is talking about her behind her back, and she wishes that Jackie would just come clean about Draya’s comments.
Before the screening, Jackie has enlisted Draya to join her at a mixology lesson so she can make signature cocktails with her cognac at the screening party. A lot of the mixers are good, except for the pot-of-poury. Draya is confused. Does she mean potpourri? In full disclosure, Jackie shares with Draya that Mehgan asked if anyone had any comments on the commercial. Jackie tells Draya that she mentioned that Draya has some suggestions, but she was very vague about them. She also hopes all the ladies dress chick sexy for the premiere. Um, chic? Draya knows from the short conversation that Jackie is starting some mess behind the scenes between her and Mehgan.
On the evening of the commercial screening, Mehgan is worried that the ladies may be less than complimentary of her starring role. The majority of the women are rightfully terrified by Jackie’s cognac and her comments of anal sex. Mehgan shares her insecurities, and Draya brags that she took care of any unflattering stills. She believes that Mehgan is beautiful, but there was just this one clip that wasn’t very becoming, so she recommended it be cut from the commercial. Whoa, is Draya calling Mehgan fat? Not at all! However, Jackie does pop into the discussion just in time to say she’s learned what a FUPA is. Malaysia wants to be in the know, and the ladies are all giggles as Draya defends her comments and Mehgan accuses Draya of being an internet porn star. She doesn’t have a FUPA, but Draya has a fat clitoris. Draya takes offense as she was only trying to spare Mehgan from an unflattering scene in the commercial. Girl power, you know!
[Photo Credit: VH1]