Jeff Lewis Fired From “Living Spaces” For Complaining About Their Employees On Flipping Out!

Jeff & Jenni from Flipping Out

Jeff Lewis is all kinds of fired up – and well, fired. The original “Truth Cannon” was fired from his gig as a creative director for “Living Spaces.” In what he is referring to as “#ChannaGate,” Jeff shared on twitter that he was fired from the company after he commented that other employees weren’t do their jobs. 

Living Spaces sells furniture, home decor, and other home items. In a recent episode of Flipping Out, Jeff was doing a photoshoot for the company catalog, and got into a tiff with an employee named Channa, who was supposed to bring accessories and products (purchased by Jeff) for the staging of the photos but didn’t follow through.


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Jenni Pulos complained about Channa in her recent “rap blog,”claiming Channa was intentionally sabotaging Jeff because she took his job. 

“A house in Brentwood is catalogue shoot location

Vanina and Gage start the three-day set up

Current occupant’s decor out

Jeff Lewis for Living Spaces design in

When shoot is finished

Current occupant’s decor back with original placement

Busy bees in Brentwood

Living Spaces Designer Channa

Sharing what was once her job alone with Jeff

Jeff gets the cover and the first half of the catalogue

And the back page

What did she do with the accessories?

Megan has her theories

Letha and Erick from Living Spaces at the shoot

Where are the accessories Jeff bought?

The warehouse is two hours away

Megan thinks some ‘Mean Girls’ action is going down

Brentwood is minus lots of important accessories

Renee, Vice President of Marketing at Living Spaces, gets filled in

Three shoots with missing accessories

Jeff wants Channa out”

Flipping Out #Channagate[Photo Credit: Bravo]

Jeff believes he was fired from Living Spaces after the episode aired because of negative publicity over of the comments about Channa hiding the accessories on purpose. “With hard work comes great reward.” I guess not @LivingSpaces #canned #channagate #justiceforjeff @AmericanAir,” Jeff commented. 

Turning lemons into lemonade (preferably spiked) Jenni and Jeff poked fun at the situation with a series of tweets. 

Jeff Lewis Fired From Living Spaces

Jeff Lewis Fired



[Main Photo Credit: Instagram]