Sonja Morgan’s Comments On Josh Taekman Were Meant To Be Private

 Watch What Happens Live - Season 12

Another lesson learned for Sonja ‘sexy J’ Morgan!  The Real Housewives of New York star found out this week that she needs to clarify “off the record” versus “on the record” when chatting up members of the press.  Sonja spoke out earlier this week, sharing that she wasn’t shocked to hear that Kristen Taekman’s husband Josh had an account on the now-infamous Ashley Madison site.  Sonja Morgan shares in a new interview that she didn’t mean for that quote to get printed!  

Sonja shared with Sara Gore and Jacque Reid of New York Live that she only said what she said about Josh Taekman because she thought it was a private conversation and wouldn’t be splashed on Page Six.  “Egg on my face. I actually didn’t speak out, I was doing my Social Life magazine cover shoot, and there were a lot of people there from the news, covering that event, and I was talking to someone, I thought, privately. I should know better, you know, I’ve been on the show over six and a half years now, and I should know better, but anyhow…I was just saying what everyone was saying, that they weren’t surprised. But I would never get in her business like that, normally. I didn’t mean for that to happen.”


Did she apologize to Kristen? “You know, I probably should do that, I should text her. I know she knows I’m here if she wants to talk, but I don’t tend to stick my nose in other people’s business…. Though they do that to me! I mean this season I had to tell these girls, shut the hell up. I was really upset.” Sonja says she’s usually the girl who laughs everything off but this season she was just done. 

Sonja was afraid that her co-stars were going to make her look crazy and not like a real businesswoman.  “This season I just had it with them all, I was just like stop. It’s dangerous talking about someone’s business like that…. You know I own my company, it’s not a vanity product… I have an investor thank god, that believes in me, because if you believe what the girls are saying, you’d think I was, you know, crazy!”


Sonja likes that the season ended on a good note and was happy to have Bethenny Frankel back in the mix.   “I felt we all got much closer, and I really like that, because we work together all the time, and it’s always better when it’s natural…it took a while for us to get to know Heather and to get to know Carole and Kristen, and I think it all came together. And Bethenny helped shovel that out. I was very happy to see her back, we have a great bond, similar to what I have with Luann and Ramona, no matter what happens. I think we can fight harder because we trust each other, and that’s what sisters do, and I’d say Ramona and I are like sisters.”  She also added that she knows Ramona very well and Ramona can’t bullshit Sonja. 

Watch her full interview at NBC New YorkSonja shares what she likes to do during her her time off from RHONY and more.



Photo Credit:  Charles Sykes/Bravo

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