Brooks Ayers Sent Cease & Desist Letter To Meghan King Edmonds; Alleges Bravo Used Him To Create Drama!


Brooks Ayers is mad. Fightin’ Mad! And if Meghan King Edmonds doesn’t back off, Brooks will be filing a lawsuit. How’s that for justice? Brooks also takes issue with the network using his health to create drama!

After being constantly interrogated by the Real Housewives Of Orange County stars about whether or not he’s lying about cancer, Brooks has sent a Cease & Desist letter to the third Mrs. Jimmy Dad Jeans Edmonds

“[This is] defamation. I’m hitting back,” says Brooks of Meghan’s at-home investigating, which has accused him of fabricating medical information. 


Earlier this week Brooks insinuated he was planning to take legal action against Meghan and her obsession, which Meghan laughed off. But Brooks is no longer playing around because this is more than just a reality TV storyline, this is his real life and his real health. 

Brooks confirmed, “I have sent her a formal letter from my attorney…demanding certain things, and I do have significant grounds if she doesn’t change her ways and she’s got an opportunity to do that.” 

“She has a chance to make it right and we’ll see if she does or not,” adds Brooks.  

Brooks’s motive for allowing his cancer to be featured on Real Housewives Of Orange County was to show that his relationship with Vicki Gunvalson was loving and supportive. He had no idea it would distend into a virtual shit-show with DocMcMeghan basically stalking him. 

Learning his Non-Hodkins Lymphoma had returned for the third time, Brooks and Vicki saw a unique opportunity to connect with viewers. According to him. 

“I simply wanted to share with people that you can survive a relationship in the public eye and be there to nurture each otherVicki through the loss of her mom, me battling cancer for a third time — and it turned into a circus,” Brooks tells Us Weekly

Brooks seems to be placing part of the blame on Bravo for encouraging what he calls a “manufactured storyline.” 

“It creates drama and relevance for them to be able to challenge somebody else’s illness,” Brooks alleges. 

Brooks also takes issue with Meghan’s quest for fame being attached to using other people’s cancer. #TragedyJunkie 

“[Meghan] doesn’t really care about me sincerely, she cares about being relevant on the show,” accused Brooks. “And that saddens me, and that’s immaturity on her part.”

Ultimately the constant questioning over his health destroyed his relationship to Vicki (blessing in disguise?). Brooks admits the former ‘soul mates’ now barely speak. “I’ve talked to her once in the last couple of weeks. We’ve emailed and texted on occasion.”

“I care for her, I wish her well, it just didn’t work out [for] us,” Brooks explains. 

Brooks confirms he will be appearing on the RHOC reunion, which filmed yesterday, in the form of a pre-taped segment with Andy Cohen. And after that – he’s done with Bravo! He says the reunion will be the “last time Vicki has got to deal with it in front of the ladies. They’ll move on to next season, and they can pick on somebody else, and manufacture some drama,” he concluded. 

For now Brooks continues to battle cancer using alternative treatments in conjunction with traditional medicine, which has decreased his inflammations. “It may be against my oncologist’s advice because he’s Western medicine, but this is my body and it’s a practice of medicine, and I did my own research, lengthy research, much more than Meghan could have ever done or does.”

After conventional medicine did not improve his numbers Brooks decided to try “natural” approaches. “And what would I have to lose?” he asserts. Brooks continues to monitor his cancer rigorously to “keep it in check.” 

“I’m not out of the woods, it doesn’t mean my cancer is gone,” assures Brooks, “but I’m heading in the right direction”


[Photo Credit: Instagram]

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