SOUTHERN CHARM -- "Reunion" -- Pictured: (l-r) Thomas Ravenel, Andy Cohen, Jennifer Snowden, Kathryn Dennis Calhoun, William Shepard Rose III -- (Photo by: Charles Sykes/Bravo)

Did Southern Charm’s Thomas Ravenel Fully Cooperate With The Court Ordered Drug Test?

southern charm kathryn trav

Good gracious, y’all! The drama surrounding the custody battle between Thomas Ravenel and Kathryn Dennis continues to grow, and I’m sure we’ll see some fireworks between the former flames tonight when Bravo airs the first hour of the two-part Southern Charm reunion. 

Fans of the show know that the couple has been famously feuding on social media for the better part of the last three years, yet somehow they managed to be together enough to have two children in as many years. After welcoming son St. Julien Rembert halfway through the season, Kathryn and T-Rav reconciled for all of five minutes before that bomb was dropped at Cooper Ray’s Founder’s Ball. 


In real time, Thomas has complained that Kathryn has been keeping him from seeing his children in hopes he’ll cough up more in support (although he already pays her rent and has offered more than what the state would mandate). Kathryn, on the other hand, claims Thomas is too busy partying to make time for his children. Both need get off Twitter, am I right? Of course, all of that changed two weeks ago when Thomas sued Kathryn in family court and was promptly given shared custody of Julien and two year old Kensie. On the heels of that unexpected twist came the news that Kathryn allegedly failed a court ordered drug test.

As T-Rav explained in a recent interview, the judge refused to seal their case, citing the couple’s desire to have their lives played out on Bravo with their children front and center. I have to agree with Thomas’ assertion (I can’t believe I just typed that) that just because their toddlers are featured on the show and will one day be able to watch their parents’ ridiculously bad behavior, they shouldn’t be punished further by being privy to the nastiness of the court proceedings. 

As anyone who watches Southern Charm knows, both Kathryn and Thomas like to enjoy a cocktail or twelve, and T-Rav has joked that he’s never done cocaine (the drug he served time for distributing)…he just liked to smell it. The reality stars were both subjected to drug testing, with Kathryn allegedly testing positive for marijuana and other substances. 

Fitsnews is claiming that T-Rav’s clean report may have been due to the political playboy’s refusal to provide body hair for testing. The site reports that body hair can show drug use as far back as a year, while hair from one’s scalp is generally an indicator of the last three months. In addition to the hair from her head, Kathryn submitted back, arm and leg hair for testing. 

In a statement to the site, T-Rav claims, “I never refused any hair testing. The testing company took hair off (Kathryn)’s body because her head hair had been bleached and dyed so many times that it wouldn’t render a valid sample. My head hair has not been bleached or dyed,” adding, “The samples were sent to a lab and tested for ten different substances. We both were subject to the same tests. We also were subjected to blood and urine tests.”

It wouldn’t be a sensational piece, however, if not for an unnamed source close to Thomas who revealed, “He’s got his own issues with these drug tests.”

We’ll be seeing some major issues tonight–that’s for sure. I. CANNOT. WAIT. Do it right, Andy Cohen. I beg you.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

